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The Way I Am

uploaded: Sat, Oct 9, 2010 @ 11:15 AM
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The Way I Am

Buried in the corners of my mind
pretending that Im just fine
I sit - waiting for you to cross the line
Smile upon the face of a serene nut case
Yes, Im stable but only for now

Inside Im churning
Inside Im yearning
Inside Im burning - with fear
Outside Im happy
Outside Im living
Outside Im drowning - in my tears

I could walk away and fall
I could stand tall and crawl
I could anything and nothing
I could lose my heart in love
and never touch
Its just the way
just the way I am

You never know what I really am
Im just little Marianne
Im a person that I can’t stand
Blanketed by the guise of these faithful eyes
Yes, Im stable but only for now


Very soon youll see what I means to be me
Standing tall when the world knocks you off your feet
Loving him enough to keep your distance
and walking away from those harmful friends

You could …. just the way we all are .. inside

"The Way I Am"
by Beholdthebutterfly

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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