Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Beholdthebutterfly » "Thank You"

Thank You

uploaded: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 @ 7:52 PM
Recommends (4)
Thank You
For the unsubstantial life that seemed to be hurling aimlessly towards a very
fast moving train
For the trapped-rabbit feeling that forced my lungs and heart to stop at once
For the homeless 7-day journey that made me aimless and reach into a bag with only two pairs of socks in it
For the anger that accompanied exile that burned holes in my carefully constructed aura of peace
For the clichéd back-breaking labor up and down and up and down and up and down
For the pain of being female and therefore, prone to be being crushed, cat-called, and ignored until something terrible happens
For the broken faith that made me envision Him sitting in Hawaii, holding a nice fruity drink (with an umbrella in it, of course) and listening to luau music that drowned out the sorrow of His children
For the meaningless existence that made me idolize Mr. Hyde for his honesty and adore Dorian for his hedonistic beauty
For the ten thousand liars who preach openness and love and secretly, cry Nigger and Spic
For the loneliness of being the only one who understood the trap of marriage
For my silent scream, reverberating in my head, that whispered aloud, Take it back!
as I drew a picture of the earth marred by mans wars
with no superheroes or Planeteers to defend it
For the hypocrisy of education blooming wild beside grassy leaves like dandelions masquerading as tulips (the really expensive kind that are shipped in from Amsterdam)
For the despair of expectations brought to ruin by the controlling forces of family
For the exposure to the brambled path that bled me with its thorns
For the masks of black and white, presuming innocence and wisdom
For the voice like a desert, preyed upon by middle-school vultures
For the disrespect of fools acting like kings
For the lemmings who tried so valiantly to make me jump with them
For the coldness emanating from an ancient anal retentive body
For the sweet smoke that signaled the end of childhood and the beginning of oblivion

For the skinless vulnerability that led me to share my beaten soul with those who could heal it
For his understanding of my fragile psyche, knowing the limitations of my strength
For the pain of maturity that made my triumphs so delicious

Thank you,
For the knowledge of the darkness
made me desperately crave the light

"Thank You"
by Beholdthebutterfly

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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