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The Golem Diptych (film score)

uploaded: Wed, Mar 24, 2010 @ 11:40 AM
FeaturingAnchor Méjans, Speck & rocavaco
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Oct 13, 2009, Anchor Méjans uploaded his epic contemporary sawed-off cello piece The Golem Variations (three parts sample). Oct 19, Speck remixed it into the golem calm heat variations cooling test and rocavaco used it six days later for his From square till round. Nov 6, we travelled to Venice to attend an opening of an exhibition that (amongst others) displayed some of the lomeg_rom short-films. We entered Venice with a storyboard for a new short-film: The Golem Diptych Video Painting. You are listening to the film-score now, and here’s the storyboard (works for the film-score / soundtrack / stems / noise as well):

A short experimental diptych-voodle (aka dooble-voodle) featuring 27473 by two animated frozen frames. The Golem Diptych is a Video Painting once captured as two simultaneously shot long takes in Venice, Italy - 2009.11.06. Every single by two frame is now painted. The true beauty of a Video Painting Diptych resides constantly in its single by two frames. Thus this beauty recedes by the cinematic animation/automation of the video - like a Golem and animated, the moving imagery can never leave the singularity of the frames by two and hence recites the painting and beauty all over again - in each singular painted frame by two. The Golem Diptych is inspired by / and uses the work of Anchor Méjans (The Golem Variations - sawed-off cello sample), Speck (the golem calm heat variations cooling test) and rocavaco (From square till round) - all available and very much audible at

We thought you wanted to know. …or hear it from us.
Thanks and cheers! :)

"The Golem Diptych (film score)"

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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