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Search Results From: Uploads
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i can see a cool vocal from patronski who claims to be a novice songwriter (ahem) hehe
this progression probably has the most hit songs...
...ecause i am still a novice in the digital music area.
there have been some thoughts going on in my had while i made this remix. (
...maps or instruction pamphlets, everything automatically falls into place despite a faux pas or two along the way. mirroring and ma, and i'm still a novice, learning so much.
enough already! thanks for listening. media,emergence_artlab,remix,bpm_125_130,ent_
...ument. i am still a novice, but something bursts in my heart each time i play it!
inspiration ignites
an invisible
...rtists to allow us "novices" to mess around with their tunes! media,remix,bpm_085_090,acoustic,ambient,chill,electronic,guitar,hip_h
Search Results From: User Pages
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novicemode novicemode
cristianovicente cristianovicente
cevanovi cevanovi
bulk_sms_services bulk_sms_services in the early times companies used to depend on pamphlets, billboards and place to place to advertise ...
shrammer1 shrammer1 video maker and novice programmer.
neilcrowe the mulletz i'm a novice producer looking to learn
rezzarat rezzarat novice mixer
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Search Results From: Reviews
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review of 'e-merge ents (as we kiss)' by 'clarence simpson' novice my ass ;)
...doing yet, bit of a novice. not climbing the novice ladder any longer but you are on the bottom of another more challenging climb.
you have come of age an (a) i am a total novice at mixing; and (b) i like many kinds of music, and appreciate the insights i gain from this board, even i
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