Welcome listeners young and old. This is my transcendence mix of the Loveshadow pella. I dedicate this mix to LS and GE. Both these guys are pop/dance masters on this site and GE was looking for a trance track from me ages ago, so here it is… Hope you enjoy!
142bpm - 4:51:00
media, remix, bpm_140_145, editorial_pick, trackback, in_web, in_video, in_album, in_podcast, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, bass, drums, electronic, funky, loops, male_vocals, pop, synthesizer, trance
Recommended by:
George_Ellinas, Grizzly616, DoKashiteru, panu (panumoon), Anchor (anchormejans), Loveshadow, Subliminal, MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox), Citizen Nyx (nyx), Kaer Trouz, Alex (AlexBeroza), ScOmBer, IceSun, TheJoe, khidir, radiotimes, Bocrew, teru, duckett, J.Lang (djlang59), spinmeister, basti_de_basti, wellman, essesq, Songboy3, reblaw27, Jarvey, colab, lifezone, Scolder, Synaptic_Decay, Samy_91, DURDEN, sbenrap, Mahadin, Manolo Camp (ManoloCamp), Martin Preston (smash4686), terraon, ubik (yewbic), Rivernet1, Tobi (transm), vo1k1, kenmunro, askmanny, DroidAndTheMalklar, zava, Deightine, Kissaki, mizzlerocks, Keith F. (goney3), wwin, Niclas (nicazoid), cosies, drcouzelis, Circuit Six (circuitsix), Geert Veneklaas (geertveneklaas), max_thehitman, victor, Faldrian, hellcreature, dydjej_inja, Xaphoid, Blake (blakeht), HakanDolas, iriXx, Snowflake, musikpirat, Moranisse, phasenwandler, TheRadialActive (Dennispager), Fex, inconnu, Tintagel (drivera), davew1962, uniscorn375, shogun888, TBolt, samkhlin, Marek Gospodarczyk (marekgospodarczyk), SackJo22, FuzOnAcid, ingvild, Story of the Lie (storyofthelie)