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When the Meteorologist Predicts Snow

uploaded: Thu, Dec 26, 2013 @ 11:44 AM last modified: Thu, Dec 26, 2013 @ 11:52 AM  (add)
byKara Square
Recommends (30)
I’ve been fighting with this song for weeks. On my third attempt, smilingcynic’s instrumental made it all come together AND inspired a bit of a rap. I was trying to sound like the band Cake, but I think I sound more like Weird Al Yankovic. Oh, and this is my first recording of my new toy… a U-bass (ukulele bass). Sure, the playing is sloppy (I’m brand new at the bass), but boy-oh-boy did I have fun. :D Anyway… I hope you dig!

Here’s the pella and bass.
And smilingcynic’s stems are uploaded here- I cut & rearranged them quite a bit.

If you live where it snows
Then you know how it goes
Everyone takes a breath
When the meteorologist
Predicts snow
Predicts snow
Predicts snow

Snow starts coming down
Caught up in the wind
Blowing in our faces
So fucking freezing
Too cold to breathe
Too cold to think
Hats, gloves, scarves, coats
Hardly do anything
The inches pile up
We’ll have to dig ourselves out
Just to go to work
Can’t drive anywhere else
With the dangerous roads
Slick bridges, black ice
Potholes everywhere
Driving terrifies

When I hear sappy songs
About beautiful snow and icicles
I wanna throw a snowball
In the singers face
Because snow
Because snow
Because snow

Is romanticized
In the worst of ways
Like this whole winter season
Is a damn cliché

The truth is cold
The truth is wet
Dry hands, dry house
Runny nose, chapped lips
Everyone gets a cold
Everyone gets the flu
Power outages kill
Heating bills accrue
You have to scrape your windows
And heat up your car
Shovel the driveway
Or you stay where you are

If you live where it snows
Then you know how it goes
Everyone takes a breath
When the meteorologist
Predicts snow
Predicts snow
Predicts snow

"When the Meteorologist Predicts Snow"
by Kara Square

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Kara Square’s “When the Meteorologist Predicts Snow” is a female-Cake-meets-Weird-Al rap rant on the reality of long, cold winters. Smiling Cynic’s musical contribution and Kara’s remixing skills result in a cynically remarkable track — a must listen this winter!
