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permalink   Mon, Dec 4, 2006 @ 6:51 AM
Hi ccMixters,

was now ‘offline’ for a quite long time due to some serious personal matters.

But, well, it looks like things are going -slowly- better. At least I feel ready for some new challenges…

Oh yes, my ccMixter kitchen is open again…..

…beside this I have also a big goal for 2007: my partecipation on a national music contest called elettrowave:

UncInc @ Elettrowave 2007

And here is my issue: As the in partecipation rules it is expected to submit together with two original works also a mixing session of about 30~40 minutes I suddenly thought to use for this mix only ccMixter tracks.

Unfortunately due to some ‘estethical’ reasons I’m limited to genres like d’n’b, experimental, electronic and trip hop….but nevertheless: if you want your track to be included leave a message.
