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Streaming audio

permalink   Thu, Aug 31, 2006 @ 4:47 AM
I have become much more acutely aware of this since being on dialup, but I have realized that ccMixter is not very dialup friendly. As has been mentioned in the past by Victor, the stream function pretty much is the same as download.

I think a lower bitrate, dialup friendly “actual” stream might increase the amount of ratings and feedback tracks receive. It certainly would help out those of us who would like to stay more involved in the community but have low-bandwidth connections to the internet.

Would it possible for ccMixter to incorporate a streaming system such as Icecast?

Just a thought from a user currently stuck on a low-bandwidth channel to the net.

permalink   Thu, Aug 31, 2006 @ 11:02 AM
the idea of shoutcast/icecast was tabled because CC servers are being killed just with downloads.

I’m often on the road and forced to use dialup so I understand. We just don’t have the resources (manpower or bandwidth) to mount that as a feature of the site.

permalink   PorchCat Thu, Aug 31, 2006 @ 12:24 PM
Thanks for the reply and explanation. I must admit some mild confusion. Wouldn’t having “true” streaming reduce the bandwidth load on the “Stream” button use? Or is it a consideration of increased usage that would tip the scales so to speak?

permalink   victor Thu, Aug 31, 2006 @ 12:37 PM
constantly streaming bandwidth and cpu and admin maintenance together is just not something we can support right now,

permalink   PorchCat Tue, Sep 5, 2006 @ 7:34 AM
No sorries needed, I quite understand. The admin work and cpu burden can get up there quickly with streaming. Thanks nonetheless!
