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Correcting "uses samples from" in upload.

Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 4:14 AM
I accidentally added Brilliant Day to the list of samples used in Brad Sucks on Stones and that info is incorrect. How can I change it? So far I can only see deleting the file and uploading it again as the only remedy and if possible, would like to avoid doing that.
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 5:47 AM
There is no way for you to ‘retro-actively’ reattribute the sources for a remix.

I’ve taken care of it (I think) for this case from behind the scenes.

However, I’m starting to notice that remixes are getting marked as ‘oroginal’ again — I thought this was problem was fixed. I guess not…

If you can remember what steps you did to the Boogie upload or anything "funny" you ran into along the way it would be very, very helpful.

Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 6:15 AM
However, I’m starting to notice that remixes are getting marked as ‘oroginal’ again — I thought this was problem was fixed. I guess not…

No, that was my mistake. I’ll change it later on this evening when I get home. It was an issue of me understanding (or mis-understanding) the definition of cut-up, even though I’ve glanced the other posts. Go figure. So now for sure I know that a re-mix and cut-up are one in the same. (I almost felt the need to put a ? at the end)
Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 6:19 AM
Thanks. I see that you’ve already moved it for me.
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 6:23 AM
Yea, I moved it (and two others).

But it *can’t* be your mistake because somehow you managed to mark it as ‘original’ AND a remix of Brilliant Day at the same time — which should not be possible from the UI.

Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 1:22 PM
Actually it is. I thought you could call a song original even though you had a sample in it. Technically, I didn’t remix Brilliant Day,but rather, created an entirely new song which interpolated samples from Brilliant Day. I mistakenly thought of this as an original song. So, I clicked on Submit A Song and after it uploaded, went to Lisa’s profile and clicked I Sampled This and then chose "use this file" on the "I already uploaded the song with the samples". I think thats what other people must be doing.
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 1:38 PM
Finally. OK, *that’s* how you guys are doing it.

All righty, I’ll make it so the tracktype changes to remix in that case because we wanted to keep a clear distinction between "things with samples" and those without.

permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 4:21 PM
Hey Victor,

This is pretty much the same issue you and I talked about the other day, I did almost exactly what beatgorilla did, and I even remember wanting to post a ? when I did mine.
Maybe a textual fix is advised.
Further, others, like me who technically sampled content by downloading and adding to complete tracks, might not put that into the category of sampling, ….like me….before you straightened me out.
Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 7:02 PM
Maybe there should be a link for Submit A Remix. While the general population is still out on what a cut-up is or isn’t, everyone knows and recognizes a remix, I think. To me, a remix is an alternate arrangement or production of a given song. The key is that it is still the same song, just a different version. A cut-up would be sample usage to create a new work or added to an original work. Now if I had thought of this earlier, I could of avoided this thread!!!
permalink   Sat, Feb 26, 2005 @ 11:53 AM
OK, I "fixed" it so that when you ‘attach’ to another upload you automagically become a remix and inherit their license.

And as far as ‘cut-up’ vs. ‘remix’ I kind of agree with you. But I can tell you that the verbiage of the menus was "designed by committee". where, as you can imagine, my vote is proportionally less than the generous people who foot the bill for this cool site (as it should be).
