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Email spam

permalink   Wed, May 10, 2006 @ 8:27 PM
Unfortunately we have been hit with our first ever rash of true email spam.

The worst of which is from "Teankum a member of Virion" asking people to do a remix for some contest or other. As far as I can tell that whole thing is from a mercernary advertising/marketing firm from Virginia and pure evil and should be avoided at all costs.

We’ve taken some temporary baby steps to avoid this kind of thing happening again and working on longer term solutions.

Really, really sorry about that.

permalink   Wed, May 10, 2006 @ 10:02 PM
I have not gotten the spam, but thanks for the heads up.

Quote: Unfortunately we have been hit with our first ever rash of true email spam.

The worst of which is from "Teankum a member of Virion" asking people to do a remix for some contest or other. As far as I can tell that whole thing is from a mercernary advertising/marketing firm from Virginia and pure evil and should be avoided at all costs.

We’ve taken some temporary baby steps to avoid this kind of thing happening again and working on longer term solutions.

Really, really sorry about that.

permalink   Thu, Oct 5, 2006 @ 5:08 PM
Virion is not a marketing firm, lol. It is a band consisting of 2 bored kids from Bakersfield, CA. They hosted a remix contest for fun just to see how many people they could get to remix their track.

And by the way, they think it is very funny that you are all making such a big deal about this :)
permalink   victor Thu, Oct 5, 2006 @ 5:34 PM
fyi two bored kids from Bakersfield is the very definition of viral marketing. Flooding a site with unsolicited mail is spam. Period. Sorry, but respect for privacy is a big deal.