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this is just a test

Uncool Bob
permalink   Sun, Apr 30, 2006 @ 12:50 AM
having some problems posting a reply to a review - wondered if there was some db problem.
Uncool Bob
permalink   Sun, Apr 30, 2006 @ 12:50 AM
nope - seems OK!
Uncool Bob
permalink   Sun, Apr 30, 2006 @ 12:56 AM
sorry, there does seem to be a bug/problem


I get no HTTP response after posting replies, yet the data is going into the system ok (see the multiple duplicate posts…)
permalink   Sun, Apr 30, 2006 @ 10:47 AM
Thanks, it looks like a bug in the new email notifications system, I’m shutting that off for (hopefully) a few minutes while I figure it out.

In the future: don’t keep hitting submit ;)

permalink   Sun, Apr 30, 2006 @ 11:17 AM
ok, I think we’re cool now, thanks for helping out.