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permalink   Sat, Apr 1, 2006 @ 12:10 PM
If i take a sample and i distort/rearrange/filter and the result is completely different from the original, must I credit the original?
permalink   Sat, Apr 1, 2006 @ 12:17 PM
imho…yes…I think that’s what the community is about. Just say where you got it.
permalink   Sat, Apr 1, 2006 @ 12:24 PM
Im not asking about samples taken from here, im talking bout comercial samples.

if you take a song (for example from the beatles) as inspiration, and then you change the instruments and a little the harmony , the lyrics, a little the beat, etc,
the result is a new song that is a little reminiscent from the beatles, but cant be called a clone, and youre not supposed to credit them.

with the samples its the same?
permalink   Sat, Apr 1, 2006 @ 12:30 PM
I think if you sample an artist like the beatles that track would be most likely flagged as an upload violation.
permalink   Sat, Apr 1, 2006 @ 1:14 PM
Quote: If i take a sample and i distort/rearrange/filter and the result is completely different from the original, must I credit the original?

asking questions about the legaility of sample usage and especially taking legal advice from a web site is just not a prudent thing to do. If you have a question about whether a particular usage of a particular sound is legal or not then you should find out what kind of license that sound is under. If it’s ‘All Rights Reserved’ then you should check ask the owners of the copyright. If it’s a CC license or some other ‘home grown’ license and what you are looking to do isn’t specified clearly, then again, you should ask the owner of the sound.