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nigerean fraud mail send over ccmixter mail interface

permalink   Wed, May 24, 2006 @ 10:15 AM
I became today nigerean fraud mail send over ccmixter mail interface, here is it :
subj: [ccMixter] From :Ken brown
From :Ken brown,
Westren Golden Bank
Abidjan, Cote D’I Voire .

My name is Ken Brown.I work with the Westren Golden Bank .Abidjan, Cote D’IVoire as an accountant Foreign
operation department. In the discharge of my duty, I
stumbled on this domiciliary account that has
remained dormant for three years now with fifteen
million dollars($15m)in it.

I contacted my director and we sent out staff for
enquiries and discovered that the account holder died
in Auto-crash with the next of kin.i am writing you so
that we can work with you to remit the money into your
account as the next of kin. it is simple process which
will take a short while to process. outside this, the
bank management will confiscate the money.

If I hear from you, I will tell you all you need to
Know about the money.Thanks and God bless you.
Mr.Ken brown
Westren Golden Bank.
please block this guy somehow
permalink   Wed, May 24, 2006 @ 10:28 AM
The good news is that they are now officially blocked. The better news is that hopefully I can now figure out exactly how they did it.

Thanks and sorry about that.

permalink   Tue, May 30, 2006 @ 7:43 AM
Wouldnt that be Cote d’ivore fraud?