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Useability review

permalink   Wed, Dec 6, 2023 @ 1:06 AM
Hi together,

I’am now around here for a couple of years. Sometimes more, most times less active. Still learning how to transform my thoughts and melodies into music.
But my work is computer scientist in the field of web applications.
I know the backing software of ccmixter is more than 10 years old. I like the clean style of the webpage, even if it lacks some helpful modern aspects (responsibility!)

I have a little list of ideas for usability improvements:

1. This Forum is linked in introducing texts on the main page. But I think it should have a place in the main navigation (after Playlists) Currently its “hidden” under Visitors, and mainly used by Artists ;)

2. I think the 2 uploads a week rule is ok, to prevent mass uploads. But where is it communicated? I found it deep in the forum, but under “Submit Files” there is
“You are not authorized to submit this type of file at this time, most likely because you have met the quota for this type of submission.”
May leaving new ones back with a “Why I’am blocked now?”
I would place a box “Submit rules” at the bottom of the page. And I think, it could be placed in “Terms of use”, too.

3. What is the Extras-Tab about?
Some introductional word would be fine there. “Monthly Archive” is the archive of all uploads? Same here for “What I Pound on”, a little description would be nice.

Interesting thing here… Right click on player and “Save audio to…” works, but click on the three dots option “download” gives a “no rights error” (in ms edge, chrome)
Problem seams to be there for every file. Latest teste example:

That’s for now. Hope the feedback helps.
permalink   Wed, Dec 6, 2023 @ 12:28 PM
Hi DreaamingDragon!

I am grateful that you shared this feedback with us; it means a lot to me to get your perspective on the ccMixter experience.
I encourage you to remain active with this discussion, as your insight will help us out to improve the experiences for the whole community.

All of the points you made are excellent starts to focusing on different features and functions, particularly with how they are seen by new users.
If you have time, I need some clarification on these points:

1) When you say the “Forum” link is hidden, I’m assuming you mean difficult to find (as opposed to not visible) — would it be easier for you if it were a tab like “Picks” “Remixes” or “Samples”?

2) To clarify why a user cannot upload more than a certain number of files during a week, do you think there should be a link from the “Submit Files” page which explains the limit? Also, I don’t know what you mean about “a box ‘Submit rules” — can you help me understand what that is?

3) For the “Extras” tab, where do you think the explanation should appear for each sub-feature? Should there be a link to a forum post?

4) Your section about Downloads didn’t make sense to me because I do not know what you mean when you say “the three dots option ‘download’” But it might clear things up if you shared a screenshot — the error you describe might be specific to the browser you’re using, because I haven’t seen anything like that before.

Your feedback helps a lot, and like I said, I encourage you to continue participating in this discussion.

Kind regards,
permalink   DreamingDragon Wed, Dec 6, 2023 @ 2:22 PM
So I try to clear some parts:

Quote: Apoxode
1) When you say the “Forum” link is hidden, I’m assuming you mean difficult to find (as opposed to not visible) — would it be easier for you if it were a tab like “Picks” “Remixes” or “Samples”?

Oh yes, I mean it is difficult to find (I simply searched the wrong place, ignored the “Visitors area” and searched it at “Artists area”, because I have already seen links to it from the startpage, all related to artists)
It would be easier to find if it is a tab like “Picks”…

Quote: Apoxode
2) To clarify why a user cannot upload more than a certain number of files during a week, do you think there should be a link from the “Submit Files” page which explains the limit? Also, I don’t know what you mean about “a box ‘Submit rules” — can you help me understand what that is?

I follow the rule “Make the way to an information as short as possible”
So I would not place a link to a separate page or even the forum on the “Submit files” page. Just a box that contains in short the rules. For example like that:

Be sure to remember the rules before upload:
- You must own the right to publish the content
- You can only submit two files a week
- …

For those who are interested in the background of the rules would add a link to the forum or a separate page.

Quote: Apoxode
3) For the “Extras” tab, where do you think the explanation should appear for each sub-feature? Should there be a link to a forum post?

Here again I think “shortest way possible”. And here is a good example. When clicking on “How I did it” there is an explanation box. Make this for every tab. Two or three sentences are enough. Just to create the “Ah ok, that’s what it’s for” feeling at the user.

Quote: Apoxode
4) Your section about Downloads didn’t make sense to me because I do not know what you mean when you say “the three dots option ‘download’” But it might clear things up if you shared a screenshot — the error you describe might be specific to the browser you’re using, because I haven’t seen anything like that before.

I think it is specific to the browser (MS Edge), because in Firefox there is no such problem. (Is it possible to add pictures to the answer here? Didn’t find it) Pictures:!Am6SPzL9nBg_lhwIdGqKLPZW7k09?e=kkWixr
Maybe I found the cause, and a solution. The media code

< audio preload=”none” controls=”” class=”track-audio”>Your browser does not support the audio element< /audio>

Says preload=”none”. I like this option, because it avoids data transfer if not needed, but… in this case it could make the trouble. When first clicking “play” and then “download” everything works fine. Clicking on “download” before any playback, download is forbidden. Why should someone download before he even heard a bit of it? Maybe I’m the only one, but when I know it MUST be good (because it’s from snowflake or so ;)), I download without play first.
I think changing from “none” to “metadata” should do the trick.
permalink   Apoxode Thu, Dec 7, 2023 @ 12:26 PM
Hi DreamingDragon,

Thank you for the clarification, and for expressing your experience.
I especially appreciate your suggestions as part of your feedback.

So to clarify the topics you originally mentioned, I want to go through and simplify what seems to accomplish an improved experience. This is by no means a final assessment, of course ;)

1) An easier way to get to the Forums section of the website would be to add a tab specifically for “Forums,” which would appear throughout the website wherever there are tabs already.

2) When a user submits files to the website, there could be a note to indicate what the limit is for uploads, especially if a user has reached that limit.

3) For each tab in the Extras section, a box added at the top could explain what each feature is for.

4) To prevent the error message “download forbidden” (paraphrased), a change to the media code could be made from “preload=none” to “preload=metadata” when a download is initiated from a vertical 3-dot player button.

It is important to bring up something you mentioned in the original post concerning the age of the code. It is in fact 20 year old code that we are working with, and the original author is not available to assist with updating it. Having said that, we are able to edit parts of it here and there, and have come up with workarounds for most issues. All this to say that it may take some time to implement the changes you have recommended, but if they are possible then they could be.

I want to give you an opportunity to verify that I am understanding what you’re suggesting before I move forward. It might seem pedantic, but it’s only because I value your concerns and believe they can help other users as well.

Kind regards,
permalink   DreamingDragon Fri, Dec 8, 2023 @ 6:28 AM
Hi Apoxode,

yes you understand my points.

If I find the time, I will have a quick look at the code. I suppose the one to be found at, is still the current version?

permalink   Apoxode Fri, Dec 8, 2023 @ 11:03 AM

I do not know much about the code myself; I would need to confer with the technical crew to determine that answer for you. If you do in fact find time, your help would be greatly appreciated. Please send a message to “Contact: site administrator” if you do become available.

I will take the feedback and suggestions you presented here to the rest of our administrators and see how soon we can implement these improvements.

Thank you again for taking the time to reach out to us.

Kind regards,
permalink   mwic Wed, Dec 20, 2023 @ 5:15 PM
Quote: DreamingDragonHi Apoxode,

yes you understand my points.

If I find the time, I will have a quick look at the code. I suppose the one to be found at, is still the current version?


Hi, DD. Nice to meet you. The wiki documentation is still, for the most part, current. But we have some in-place tweaks and edits that aren’t reflected in that documentation.

In any case, it would be *great* if you got familiar with the ccHost codebase and helped us update it — we especially appreciate your insights into the process of onboarding new users.

If you email me or Apoxode directly, we can invite you to the discord channel where we discuss these topics.
permalink   Thu, Dec 21, 2023 @ 12:56 PM
Hi there DreamingDragon!

I wanted to check back with you to let you know our administration team has had a chance to discuss your feedback and suggestions.

We determined that a workaround for the error message you encountered with MS Edge (as indicated in point 4) is to right-click “Download” and then select “Save as” after clicking the 3-dot button.
Please let me know if this solves that particular issue for you.

We had a look at the file submission process (as indicated in point 2), and amended the message concerning the quota to help better explain why someone would not be able to upload at that time.
We appreciate your feedback regarding that concern.

For the suggestions you made in regards to adding a tab for “Forums” and text boxes explaining the features in “Extras,” we are doing our best to make time for those changes.
If you or someone you know is available to help with the technical side of that, we would greatly appreciate the help.
Let us know if that is a possibility for you.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us regarding anything else in the community.
We are more than happy to help when we can.
Thank you so much for being a part of ccMixter :)

Kind regards,