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Grabbing stems from a song on ccmixter

permalink   Tue, Oct 17, 2023 @ 1:11 PM
I am trying to rebuild a track from ccmixter using the stems provided from a song…however I dont know where to put the stems in the new mix…there is no visual represenation of where individual stems go…As there are in some cases, small samples but not the actual original tracks and how long they go for..most frustrating…any ideas of what I can do>…
permalink   Wed, Oct 18, 2023 @ 2:35 PM

If I understand you, you want to replicate how a stem sounds with only a sample (or two) to work with?
Your best bet is to reach out to the original artist, they can render the channels exactly as intended and put them up.
The only reason they won’t is if there is a license they have with someone else that doesn’t allow full sharing.
If you can’t reach them, you might be on your own.
This is what I would do …
Using a sound editor, open the main mix, put cue points where the sample appears, mute the mix (but keep the cue points), then drop a trimmed copy of the sample at each cue point.
It’s tedious, but it matches how it was intended with the actual sounds, much better than recreating from scratch.
I might be able to help, if you let me know which track you want to remix. I can give it a go and publish the results and the original artist would still get credit.
Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
permalink   THEDARKWORLDPROJECT Thu, Oct 19, 2023 @ 4:56 AM
Thank you Apoxode..
If you can give it a go that would be great….I use adobe auditions 3.0..its a free program and you could remix the track on that program and send it to ne and I will credit you on Soundcloud for helping me once its uploaded…
Adobe Auditions link download:

I have activation key if you decide to do this on the program….or send me a photo of where the stems go on the track and I will do it..

heres the link to the track I want to put my spoken word to:

its a punchy track…!
I do give the original artist credit, always.
permalink   Apoxode Thu, Oct 19, 2023 @ 1:45 PM

I had a good look at what’s available, took a moment to assess the amount of time needed to accomplish what you’re looking for, and determined that it’s not a project I can help with.

Unfortunately, the samples included do not match the levels of the mix, so it is a guessing game as to which hats go with which kick drum loops. Some clean up is involved as well. For example, there is a glitch in the bass loop that happens in the first bar each time you trigger it.

[Not to get on a soapbox, but this is a textbook example of why it’s better to use flac for samples. I had to trim out opening silence from all the mp3s first.]

Also, you won’t get the full mix with just the samples included. There are a lot of extra effects like reversed cymbals that you might be able to get from Platinum Butterfly’s mix (I haven’t checked.) That might be the mix to start with (?)

If I were to proceed with this, it would be a 3-step process and would take a lot of time going back and forth between how the original is structured and where to place samples.
1) Figure out number of patterns needed, minus the intro and exit (I have 4 bars for each pattern in my tracker).
2) Within those patterns, where the kicks, claps and bass loops are triggered and when they’re cut.
3) Figure out where the pads and arpeggio loops start, repeat, and/or cut out, and then go back to add the hats.

No matter how well I could match the structure of the original though, there are effects applied to the arpeggios not included, such as cutoff dynamics and reverb effects.

I strongly recommend reaching out to Kraftamt through the links in their profile, as the email for ccMixter is still experiencing some glitches. I don’t know if Platinum Butterfly is still active, but that would be the next possibility.

I wish I could have more confidence with this project, but the resources I need simply aren’t there. I’d be better off starting from scratch with my own VST’s and hardware.

I wish you the best of luck with this, and if you’re able to accomplish it I would love to hear what you do with it.

Kind regards,
permalink   THEDARKWORLDPROJECT Fri, Oct 20, 2023 @ 5:08 AM
Yeah well I knoew this was tough when i saw it….if you are to supply stems you need to put up a visual cue to where the stems actually go on the track..its very diffocult to listen and seperate the different sounds….I will have a look but might just use the orignal mp3 mix….I am more interested in my spoken word then the track itself
Thanks for your time with this and prompt reply….if you do any tracks similair maybe we could collaborate??
permalink   Apoxode Fri, Oct 20, 2023 @ 9:58 AM
You’re welcome, and don’t give up quite yet. In time, there could be a user who reads this post and has a better idea (and/or resources) for how to accomplish what you want.

It seems like you’re not entirely settled on this particular track, but looking for something similar to add your spoken word to?

If so, we could figure out some search parameters and see if something like that is already available.

Hard trance isn’t a genre I have experience with as far as producing. I have an idea of how to structure the tracks, similar to acid house with arpeggio chord progressions. I’m not opposed to collaboration, but I want you to be aware of my inexperience upfront.

Let’s have a look and see what’s available first, and if nothing usable comes up, I could give it a shot.

permalink   THEDARKWORLDPROJECT Sun, Oct 22, 2023 @ 2:43 PM
OK well if you find anything great,,,#

Umm I have rbuilt the track from scratch..its taken a while and its been difficult sounds different now more what I would like….
permalink   Apoxode Mon, Oct 23, 2023 @ 12:50 PM
I’m eager to hear what you came up with, is there a link to it or will you be publishing it here?

Kind regards,