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New Jaspertine EP: Feed Protein to Rabble (pay what you want)

permalink   Thu, Mar 28, 2019 @ 12:33 PM
I’ve been working away at my concept album, A Shipwreck in the Flood, for quite some time now, and in the wake of how long it’s taking to finish, I’ve put out another EP.

Feed Protein to Rabble is structured in two parts, with the first being songs that I’ve put a decent amount of time and care into, and the latter 9 songs were pulled from a pool of 20 or so miniature sound experiments that were cranked out, assembly-line style.

That’s not to say the latter tracks were made carelessly, I still tried to make them interesting, but the priority was on productivity, and tracks that weren’t working would simply be discarded rather than given additional time and thought.

3 songs + (3x3) songs = FPTR

I wanted the contrast between the two approaches to be apparent, but not unfair. This isn’t about strawmaning the latter approach, or romanticizing the former, just creating a distinction between them.

Thank you, and please look forward to A Shipwreck in the Flood. It will be a tremendous relief to me when it’s finished.
permalink   Thu, Apr 11, 2019 @ 5:45 PM
Congrats on your new EP and upcoming concept album too.