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Lessig pell for May Day Secret Mixter?

Calling Sister Midnight
permalink   Fri, Apr 29, 2016 @ 10:16 AM
Hi all,
In the sign up for the secret mixter it says Lessig plans to give us a short spoken word for this special Secret Mixter, and we are encouraged to include some aspect of his pell in our remix.

I’ve been digging around and I am not finding one. Should we just grab something from the video?
permalink   Tue, May 3, 2016 @ 1:48 AM
We victimized audio samples from the d’video. We’re done with our secret mix so it had the right thing to do ‘:0)
permalink   Quarkstar Wed, May 4, 2016 @ 11:23 AM
I have no idea how to get vocals off a video.
Also I don’t see any CC license on the video, should we really be doing this?
permalink   Calling Sister Midnight Thu, May 5, 2016 @ 7:01 PM
I have a question into snowflake about this. She has emailed Lessig, but so far, no answer.
permalink   Calling Sister Midnight Thu, May 5, 2016 @ 7:32 PM
A quick-and-dirty way to grab audio from a video is to record it with a simple micro-to-micro line out of the audio headphone jack of your computer. Hook it up to a digital recorder, play the video on your computer while capturing (recording) the audio onto the digital recorder, then uploading the file into your computer for “conditioning.” A free audio program for conditioning and editing the audio file is Audacity.
permalink   AmbireSeiche Wed, May 18, 2016 @ 8:36 AM
You should be able to record audio straight to Audacity, I’ve never needed an extra line or recorder for this. I just change input on main Audacity screen to Stereo Mix (IDT hi def) option, and click the recording level up top where it says Click to Start Monitoring when I mouse over. Then the record button when I’m set.

Alternately, for things like where videos are downloadable there’s ffmpeg library plugin for Audacity that will load video files as audio. It’s invaluable for things like grabbing samples off of the Prelinger archives there imho.
