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Using ccMixter Music in a Broadcast

permalink   Tue, Dec 15, 2015 @ 5:37 AM

What follow is NOT to be construed or used as legal advice. We are not lawyers and, especially when it comes to jurisdictions outside of the USA, we are not in a position to dispense legal, binding advice on exactly what constitutes copyright violation.

Instead we hope to give you some suggestions for how to deal with attribution when you use ccMixter in an audio broadcast medium like a podcast or radio show.

By far the best thing to do is to list each track and artist on your radio/podcast’s website using the techniques as described in this video

If that’s impractical you should consider giving credit with the track title and artist directly in your show. That means each track, each artist.

Plug: In many cases the track is available under a ccPlus license from TuneTrack. That means for a small fee (royalty free) you do not have to give attribution at all. Here’s a list of awesome tracks that are all under ccPlus.

Hope this information helps.

The ccMixter Community
permalink   Sat, Nov 4, 2023 @ 9:52 PM
When i broadcast a track, would it be enough to have the cc copyright information visible in the meta tags of the track and visible in the playlist? As an example, then for the track “hurrycane” from Mana Junky, there would be visible in the screen when it is played : 2015 Mana Junkie Licensed to the public under Verify at

I think it is all ok, but i want to make sure before i start doing something only wich damages the artists in anyway. My intentions are otherwise, i’m busy setting up a radio station, non-commercial, with cc music, to support creative commons music and want to make sure everyting is fine before i do it publicly.

kind regards, Frank
permalink   Apoxode Sun, Nov 5, 2023 @ 2:31 PM
Hi Frank!

Thank you for reaching out — I respect that you’re looking out for the artist’s license :)

What you’re talking about, showing the license info from where the broadcast is played is exactly what we’re looking for. The full link doesn’t have to be clickable, just visible.

Two things to look at - the address for the upload should be updated to include https, as in
Also, in the title, it should be what the artist calls it : “Hurricane (with MissJudged)” (This is especially important so that MissJudged gets some publicity as well).

It seems like you’ve got everything under control otherwise — definitely promote your broadcast here (Pluggy Plugs), and if you have a chance, to give a trackback for each title you play. Artists definitely appreciate this!

Kind regards,
permalink   Dimensional_Pulse Mon, Nov 6, 2023 @ 6:36 AM
Hi Apoxode, thanks for your fast reply, I sent you a pm, but the message on the site was, that it would maybe come to you or not. Seem to be some problems delivering it. The pm is because i don’t want the stream to be available for everyone yet, that will come in a few days i think. But the things you said about the links are already covered via a now playing section on the site. Furtermore I think giving trackback will be a hughe task, cause now already i have on one stream, about 180 tracks in rotation, and this is only the beginning. I don’t think i can do that in a short time, but hey…time is a friend. And it is kind of a hobby for me to do this kind of stuff since i cannot concentrate anymore when i try to make music. When all is finished enough to put it online i will get back to here and post the link for the website and the stream.

greets Frank
permalink   Apoxode Mon, Nov 6, 2023 @ 10:10 AM
Hi Frank,
I did not receive your email. Unfortunately we are having issues with the mail delivery service here at the moment.
It’s no problem to wait on promoting the stream until it’s up, that’s understandable.
You said 180 tracks? My goodness, that’s a lot, I can see why doing trackbacks might be overwhelming!
The good news there is that with posting the license info, it includes the track’s url, so it does help promote the artist and encourages people to check them out.
Right on, we all appreciate your dedication to providing attribution while promoting the tunes :)

permalink   Dimensional_Pulse Tue, Nov 7, 2023 @ 9:31 PM
Well here is the setup for the music tags, i’m still busy further developing the website, but here you can see and give me your opinion on the information i provide with the track. I hope its good.
greets Frank

ps I’ve included a donate button as well, people clicking it will be sent to the donate page on this site…
permalink   Apoxode Thu, Nov 9, 2023 @ 9:49 PM
Frank, this is outstanding!

Thank you so much for helping promote ccMixter.
The credit info is excellent —you’ve got the updated url info and links to creativecommons, right on!
I’m very happy you’re encouraging people to donate, that means a lot :)

With gratitude,
permalink   Dimensional_Pulse Thu, Nov 9, 2023 @ 10:00 PM
Hi there,

Thanks for your reply, the site is now finished enough to put it on the pluggy pages, next step is in the coming time to give people the trackback notices, that will be a job…there are now more than 350 tracks, and still growing. But it is a hobby for me to maintain it so i will do it with a smile on my face.

Have a good weekend!

greetz Frank
permalink   Dimensional_Pulse Thu, Nov 9, 2023 @ 10:36 PM
There is a problem giving trackback notices, the first i did went ok, but then every other i tried, the site gave me an error warning and i did’nt came any further….
permalink   Apoxode Fri, Nov 10, 2023 @ 12:17 PM
Hi Frank,
I’m sorry you had issues with the trackback, I didn’t know it was causing errors.
It may take some time to repair that particular function, so I’m thinking the best solution for the time being is to leave a review with a link to your broadcast.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we’ll do our best to get it repaired.

permalink   Dimensional_Pulse Sat, Nov 11, 2023 @ 12:35 AM
Hi Apoxode, i’m currently busy leaving reviews for trackback notifications, but at a lot of the url’s that i use as provided by ccmixter in the meta info, the site gives an error warning, it says this: cchost.js (5): SyntaxError: expected expression, got ‘)’ , it is no big thing cause when i click ok i can go on with the review, but i think you should know.

greetz Frank
permalink   Apoxode Sat, Nov 11, 2023 @ 1:45 PM
Hi Frank,
I think I know what you mean. What happened is that within the last six months or so, we switched to https secure logins, and a lot of addresses still have the http unsecured url.
It was setup to automatically redirect, but this error will come up most of the time.
Best thing to do is make sure the links have the https to avoid the error.
Thank you for catching this, we’re still fixing this function of the website.

permalink   Dimensional_Pulse Mon, Nov 13, 2023 @ 12:40 AM
Quote: ApoxodeHi Frank,

It may take some time to repair that particular function, so I’m thinking the best solution for the time being is to leave a review with a link to your broadcast.


People might think that i am spamming on their music, by leaving so much reviews. Last days i did more than 500, beginning on the last 100 now. Happyly it is only in this begin stadium that i have to leave so many. Later on i don’t have to do so much as once :)

permalink   Apoxode Mon, Nov 13, 2023 @ 11:17 AM
Hi Frank,
Only people getting lots of reviews might think that, and they most likely won’t ;)
You’re doing everyone a huge favor by promoting ccMixter, and you’re doing it correctly.
In the unlikely chance that someone does complain, let them know it was me that encouraged you to help promote ccMixter :)

permalink   Dimensional_Pulse Mon, Nov 13, 2023 @ 11:38 PM
Thank you! That means a lot to me.

permalink   LinAjna Thu, Jan 4, 2024 @ 4:53 AM
hi i have a radiostation with music from ccmixter and other platforms. the big issue is with the backlink, the backlink cannot display in the player itselv, the most mp3 from ccmixter have a backlink in the mp3 tag and this is fine but the player cannot read and display the link.
permalink   Dimensional_Pulse Thu, Jan 4, 2024 @ 5:01 AM
Hi there,

I’ve got it already running, for the problem with the backlink, i used a program for editing mp3 metadata, called the godfather, with it you can easily copy the backlink info to put it behind the title info, if you want to know how that looks like, you can see it on

Greetz Frank
permalink   LinAjna Fri, Jan 26, 2024 @ 6:27 AM
hm i have checked the site, there is no player, yes the radio is online
permalink   LinAjna Fri, Jan 26, 2024 @ 6:29 AM
yes its a god idea, i will check this
thanks for this