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Does this count as a plug?

permalink   Tue, Oct 7, 2014 @ 4:22 AM
I suppose this is more of a request/FYI than a true plug, but this seemed like the best place.

I do scheduling for Music Manumit (a show dedicated to remixable music) and for two of RynoTheBearded’s shows (both of which are dedicated to Creative Commons music).

We are always looking for musicians to interview.

Here are the details for Music Manumit:

Here are the details for Ryno’s two shows:

Get in touch!
permalink   Tue, Oct 7, 2014 @ 8:50 AM
I just want to pipe in and say that Music Manumit and Ryno have been terrific supporters of ccMixter. A few of us have appeared on both podcasts where we shared your music, and spoke about what we do here at ccMixter. These guys are also fun to talk to!
permalink   Wed, Oct 15, 2014 @ 3:44 PM
Quote: dawmusicmanumit
Here are the details for Music Manumit:

specifically on the Music Manumit front, we’re looking for our first African participant. We’ve had every continent participate except Africa. Once we get Africa, we’ll start looking for specific regions of continents. We have had no guests from the Balkans, Middle East, or Central Asia for example, but we have had plenty from Europe and some from Asia. English isn’t necessarily a requirement. We’ve worked with translators in the past. English makes things easier for scheduling purposes though.