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ccMixter Update, Our First Fundraiser

permalink   Thu, Sep 25, 2014 @ 10:19 PM
It’s hard to believe its been five years since we at ArtisTech Media took responsibility for ccMixter. And what a journey it has been. When we formed our small company as a little group of musicians in 2009, we could not have foreseen the challenges that were awaiting us. On the heels of the global economic crash, and despite tireless efforts for the first two years, we did not raise outside funds. We borrowed a little money from family and friends, and then Goldfish and I put what remained of our modest life savings into the company to keep ccMixter running.

Along the way we actually had several opportunities that seemed promising, but at each turn we were asked to compromise the site’s values and Creative Commons foundation. We learned investors care about one thing, return on their investment - not about music, not about creativity, not about collaboration, and certainly not about open-source.

Determined in our vision, we found a different way. Many stepped up to donate their service. Instead of a company with an office building and people on payroll, we’ve worked without pay from our homes, with the help of a generous group of admins who volunteer their service to keep ccMixter alive and uncompromised. We’ve received donations from community members along the way too, right when they were needed most, and we are grateful.

Miraculously defying survival gravity, ccMixter has grown! ccMixter has remained free for artists, free of ads, and open. We’ve especially grown at dig.ccMixter. Traffic has increased fourfold since we launched that site in 2010. ccMixter music is used in more web videos and apps and games and remixes than ever before. The music we continue to create seems to get better and better, and the relationships we’re building with each other through music itself is profoundly hopeful during a time of world contention and crisis.

We believe our story is one worth sharing.

Our growth is now becoming our challenge. Our volunteer team is stretched too far to handle all of the opportunities and issues we face on a daily basis. For ccMixter to thrive now, additional resources are imperative.

ccMixter needs new servers and the funds to operate them for the next 12 months. Some of our technology is breaking as it was built using tools that are no longer supported. We need behind the scenes help as there are more administrative demands than ever before. More and more people are using our music but only some within the spirit of CC licenses. On a daily basis, people write inquiring about commercial license availability for a wide variety of tracks here. There are also people illegally pretending to be us and selling our music under false names for which we are issuing takedown notices. There are new features artists want and partnerships that are worth exploring. The list goes on.

So today we’re soft-launching our first ever ccMixter fundraiser at IndieGoGo (the full launch will be Oct 1). As we’ve been preparing the campaign, and working to share with the world what ccMixter is all about, well, our belief in ccMixter is greater than ever. Many of you recorded Music Connects Us promos for the campaign — I’ve felt an even greater personal connection to you all by hearing your voice and learning where you live. ccMixter is a unique and positive place and we feel confident we will receive the funding we need to give ccMixter what it deserves to grow and continue. But we need your energy to make it happen.

Please check-out the ccMixter IndieGoGo campaign here:

We’d love to hear your ideas and feedback.

If it feels right for you to give financially, we thank you. We also recognize a financial donation may not be right for everyone. There are many ways you can show your value for ccMixter and during this campaign we’ll be sharing frequent updates on new ways to spread the word.

For the next 7-10 days, it would be wonderful if you would take the time to record 15 seconds of audio on why ccMixter is important to you, how it has changed your life, and why you believe ccMixter is valuable to the world. The content of Rocavaco’s example is wonderful. It is helpful if you record just 15 seconds, because we’ll be able to use your upload as part of our Instagram campaign too. Please upload as a site promo and use the suggested tag music_connects_us.

Thank you all for being part of ccMixter. With your help, ccMixter will be able to continue, and thrive.

I’m excited about this moment in time for ccMixter. You’re all part of this. Please talk about your experiences, feelings and passion for ccMixter on this post.

ccMixter belongs to us all. Peace.
permalink   Thu, Sep 25, 2014 @ 10:33 PM
btw — it was lovely to see you at the end of this Vid RobWalkerPoet :)
permalink   Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 6:53 AM
Wow, very very professional video! Great!
Maybe the 44444 goal is a bit too ambitious? But let’s hope for the best!
permalink   Snowflake Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 9:54 AM
Kara Square did the amazing and professional editing of the video. She rocks! There was a lot of help too — from Patronski, Loveshadow, Sackjo22, Admiral Bob and Go1dfish. And of course all of the musicians here that helped create the music.

$44k may be ambitious, but it is what is needed to keep ccMixter running. I believe we will receive what we need! :D (you gotta believe, right?)
permalink   rocavaco Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 11:41 AM
As already said, the video is amazing. But the first picture (black and white with people on the street) doesn’t look too inviting and at first sight there is few relation to the video or the campaign. That was just my first impression … it might be a bit misleading for people who don’t already know ccMixter.

This picture is also displayed when shared in facebook. People often decide within one second on what to click. I don’t want to nag but is there a chance to change this pic to something more “friendly”?
permalink   Snowflake Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 11:54 AM
do you have an image you could suggest? thank you! :)
permalink   rocavaco Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 2:02 PM
the “music connects us” globe that can be seen at 0:05 (and some other places) during the video?
permalink   Snowflake Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 3:13 PM
ok. i had that, and received feedback that we should have something more human and personal, also with descriptive text asking people to help us. maybe i can try a hybrid approach.

thank you btw. this is what the soft-launch is all about. taking the time to get your feedback and that of other’s will help us be better before Oct 1.
permalink   Snowflake Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 3:56 PM
ok, updated it. i’m curious what you think. :)
Kara Square
permalink   Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 8:56 AM
Beautiful sentiments. I’m so excited to see this happen!

ccMixter has opened me up to music and collaboration in endless ways. Listening to the variety of genres, styles, fusions, etc. on ccM has made me aware of what is musically possible… and truly open to every type of music. I’m certain that it’s reflected in what I now create. All the listening has also pushed me to hone my productions skills. I am so grateful to everyone who shares their mixing and mastering tips freely.

As for collaboration, ccMixter has taught me to fully appreciate what others have to offer. Everyone brings different skills and experiences to ccMixter… it’s amazing how we all benefit by sharing them!

Just a few thoughts about this wonderful place… Thank you, ccMixter community.
permalink   Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 4:31 PM
BIG NEWS! I just spoke with a dedicated ccMixter supporter who has promised to match up to $5,000 US for contributions made in the next 3 days.

Will you please reach out to your network and friends and encourage them to support ccMixter? Read all about our campaign here:

Oh, and a HUGE thanks to ccM folks who have given generously already.

Thank you.
permalink   Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 5:20 PM
Hi All (forgive me I am just in from the pub)

I am not often moved to speak in the forum but sometimes you have just got to do it.

CC mixter is such a friendly place, full of the most amazing artists who really, genuinely want to work with others and share.

It is fantastic!!!!

We should all dig deep to keep it free :)

Best regards Simon (urmymuse)
permalink   copperhead Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 6:48 PM
I tend to agree. Where else can you use a vox or sample, manipulate it to your hearts content and make a new song out of it and meet quality musicians and producers?
permalink   Snowflake Sat, Sep 27, 2014 @ 9:14 AM
totally Greg! i’ve become 100x better as a musician, writer and producer because of ccMixter.
permalink   copperhead Mon, Oct 6, 2014 @ 6:53 PM
I agree Emily.
I’d have to say many of my skills have improved since I have been here and witnessed many others do the same. My arrangements, productions, writing and vocals have improved immensely. repetition will do that :)
permalink   Snowflake Sat, Sep 27, 2014 @ 9:13 AM
so glad you came back from the Pub. maybe we should all go! your generosity really means so much. thank you!
permalink   Sat, Sep 27, 2014 @ 9:20 AM
What an amazing first 24 hours of our campaign! A very special thanks to you in the community who have already generously given to keep ccMixter going.

Yesterday afternoon we had an anonymous donor pledge they would match all contributions made for 3 days up to $5k. Because of many of you here, that donor has already matched $1175 in the first day.

Please spread the word and contribute to ccM if you can. We still have two days where our donor will match more than $3800 in donations.

Thank you again, all of you.
permalink   Sat, Sep 27, 2014 @ 9:06 PM
The way people have been coming together in support of ccMixter’s fundraising effort is beautiful! I love hearing everybody’s voice, and where you are from (there were some surprises in there…). I know that being part of the ccMixter community has provided me with creative opportunities I had never experienced before, and that I couldn’t imagine experiencing in any different setting. I am eternally grateful to the ccMixter community for welcoming me so warmly when I landed here five years ago, and being so supportive and encouraging as I discover what it means to make music the way that we do.

The music created by us is fantastic! We are a diverse, dedicated, expressive community. And I am feel honored that I have been able to witness the growth of so many artists through what we share here.

Like Snowflake, I too am humbled by the response so far. And excited too! Excited to see how far we will be able to go!

I love ccMixter.
permalink   Kara Square Mon, Sep 29, 2014 @ 2:14 PM
Such lovely thoughts… I love ccMixter, too.
permalink   Wed, Oct 1, 2014 @ 10:56 AM
The first-ever ccMixter IndieGoGo campaign is launched!

How can you help? Please Follow and Retweet ccM posts on Twitter. Or just share something you love about ccM with the hashtags #MusicConnectsUs and #ccMixter.

If each of us take just a moment in this way, we can get back to making music :)

Thank you all for all you do for ccMixter!