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U2 follows evryone at CCMixter and gives their music away for free

permalink   Sat, Sep 20, 2014 @ 1:30 AM
It’s great to see that Bono and the rest of the U2 gang have finally joined us at CCM in giving music to the world free of charge! Their latest release is actually very good and for free even better.

Like them I woud have preferred to have made a few million dollars from it first but I couldn’t wait so I feel I hold the moral ground over them!

Still despite it being an Itunes/U2 PR job it’s great to see it happen.
permalink   Sun, Sep 21, 2014 @ 12:50 PM
I was also very excited by this. It was such a great surprise to find the new U2 record magically in my iTunes. It is quite a good album indeed. I believe you must give to receive. It’s good to have some new friends in the club :)