Imagination Rising Remix Event
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ccPlus Best Practices

Kara Square
permalink   Thu, Jul 31, 2014 @ 12:26 PM
ccPlus Best Practices

Before submitting a sample, pella, or remix using the ccPlus upload form, please ensure that the following statements are true:

1) You have read the info page about ccPlus.

2) You have read and opted-in to the ccPlus Agreement:

3) All of the samples you have used in your remix have ccPlus tags/licenses.

*Visit each and every sample/pella page (including any samples or pellas that they might use) and make sure they have the ‘ccPlus’ tag.

*A track that is licensed CC BY, but does not have the ‘ccPlus’ tag cannot be included in a ccPlus remix. (When a ccPlus license is purchased, the buyer is no longer required to include attribution.)

*Most Freesound samples cannot be used in ccPlus remixes. (Exception: CC0 licensed sounds.)

Please feel free to ask any questions below and we’ll help!
permalink   Sat, Aug 2, 2014 @ 5:47 PM
Thanks Kara!

By uploading your own sample or pell with the ccPlus upload form, you automatically agree to the ccPlus terms here If you want to opt-in all of your samples, pells and remixes (that include only artists who have also opted in) just write me. We’re working on a fair and respectful way to share the full opt-in list.

We still encourage Attribution for folks that buy a ccPlus license, but sometimes people aren’t able to easily or fully Attribute in their medium.

I’ve been experimenting with ccPlus on my own samples and pells and sell about one a week. The prices we charge are very cheap and ArtisTech Media takes 25% to help keep ccMixter running.

On a track that includes multiple ccPlus contributors, the artist portion is split evenly.

Some artists have contributed their portion of ccPlus earnings to ccMixter and we are so grateful.

Once you earn more than $100 US we will send you a payment via PayPal. We need this limit as we still haven’t automated the process so we’re doing a lot of spreadsheets back here and need the help and time to calculate…, well it can take a while to earn $100 when license prices are cheap.

You can view the total gross amount of sales in MCs (our beta Social Currency) on the ccPlus track page at TuneTrack at any time in the spirit of full transparency.

We are hoping ccPlus is a way to help better define commercial vs. noncommercial use by: 1) giving a more clear commercial option; 2) providing artists the opportunity to receive monetary value for their works if they chose; 3) providing a way for ccMixter to keep operating freely.

We are very open to feedback and appreciate your input! ccPlus is optional. :)
permalink   Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) Thu, Oct 9, 2014 @ 10:22 AM
I can’t seem to upload any ccPlus samples anymore. The tag is there, but I can’t seem to add it. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance!
permalink   Snowflake Thu, Oct 9, 2014 @ 6:12 PM
hey Martijn. adding the ccPlus tag has been buggy, so we created separate upload forms for pells, samples and remixes. Please use those for uploads you want included in ccPlus. so please use those. thank you :)
permalink   Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) Fri, Oct 10, 2014 @ 7:41 AM
I see them now. Thanks!