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Ardour 3 - ProTools for the masses?

permalink   Mon, May 26, 2014 @ 7:47 AM
As I musician/tech guy I love this package, in terms of flexibility it’s better than any DAW I’ve used.

Adding .REX2 support and fine tuning the MIDI, which is still work in progress would make this open-source package better than anything going.

I’m learning this system at the moment after a decade on Cubase- the issue is I want to be able to use something without the more restrictive licencing rules.

It’s got a little to catch up to the commercial software, but not a lot- essentially ProTools five or so years ago.

The JACK environment is techically very powerful.

So sorry folks for the lack of recent creative input, but learning Linux has been a lot of fun, and I’ll upload something soon!
My Free Mickey
permalink   Fri, Jun 20, 2014 @ 6:11 PM
The sound architecture of linux has a huge potential for audio work and is far superiour to windows.

I changed my distro into AVLinux, Which is a distribution aimed especially at audio and/or video editing. It comes bundled with lots of tools and plugins. (inclusief those you recommended me) And It support realtime audio out of the box, which wasn’t the case with ubuntu. The only issue i’m facing for now is I have no sound beside of Jack.

As for now the only issue
permalink   stellarartwars Thu, Jul 10, 2014 @ 1:39 AM
Look into PulseAudio, and remember that some other apps need to be manually connected.

I had the same problem with non-jack apps not producting sound, notably my browser, obviously very important!

The solution I found was boot up and log on without starting jack. Log out again, log in and start jack. Doing this seems to fix the problem.

The issue I’m stuck with is ALSA not functioning properly which makes using Rosegarden (which has a lot of potential) very hard. I’ve found a partial fix with a jack-alsa bridge app, but even though the alsa connections are listed in the jack manager, attempting to connect them just doesn’t work.

Also, LMMS won’t work properly using jack drivers. It’s not a problem for me as I’d rarely ReWire major applications on Windows due to CPU considerations, but something I’d like to sort in the future when I switch to my new far higer spec’d production machine.