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ccMixter audio on YouTube without Trackback or Accreditation

permalink   Tue, Feb 5, 2013 @ 10:57 PM
Hi There Admin dudes—gotta question please:

I recently spotted a whole load of my ccMixter audio on YouTube published by “UnwatchableVideos”. There are no accompanying videos. Instead there is an advert, inviting people to use this audio for free, and with a link to some website. Although my “Javolenus” username has been added (by someone) to the original title (e.g. “Moonside” has become “Javolenus Moonside”) there is no actual accreditation given, no trackback, and no link to my ccMixter page. Instead there is the following text:

Published on 2 Feb 2013
Feel free to use the audio from this video in your own projects licensed under Creative Commons. See more of my videos here
Film & Animation
Creative Commons Attribution licence (reuse allowed)

My question is: Is this OK? Should the matter be looked into? The person responsible did not approach me or notify me — I just discovered these uploads (there are many) by chance.

The YouTube links:

Just to clarify: a YouTube user called “UnwatchableVideos” has downloaded my audio from ccMixter, changed the titles, and then uploaded them to YouTube with an invitation to the world to use them for free, and with a link to his/her website. My audio includes remixes of other ccMixter artists. This means that neither I, nor the other featured artists, are being accredited, as there is no Trackback to the original ccMixter web pages(s). Please help/advise.

UPDATE: Just rechecked YouTube and even more of my audio is being uploaded by “UnwatchableVideos”, including individual stems to remixes (of, for example, Admiral Bob). All the audio has been renamed by the YouTube user “UnwatchableVideos”. What’s this all about? Basically someone is stealing my music and offering it to others without any proper accreditation or Trackback. This is OUTRAGEOUS—HELP!!!
permalink   Wed, Feb 6, 2013 @ 6:46 AM
Thanks for the post. We are aware of this and trying to determine the best cause of action as many artists are effected. Meanwhile, we encourage you to contact “UnwatchableVideos” directly and let him/her know s/he is not honoring the terms of the cc-license agreement. If you would be okay with this use if the tracks were properly attributed, let him/her know. Otherwise, let him/her know you want him/her to stop using your material in this way.

You can also just report the user to youtube directly.
permalink   Javolenus Wed, Feb 6, 2013 @ 7:05 AM
Thanks for this—appreciate the swift response. I’ll try to do as you suggest, but I don’t have a YouTube account, so don’t know how I can contact this person (without setting one up, I guess). I’ll see if it’s possible. Obviously I don’t mind people using my stuff in a reasonable way, but this person is effectively “rebranding” my work and using it to self-publicize. Also, by stating that my work is “free to use” this person is bypassing the issue of limited (e.g. non-commercial) cc licenses — anyone can now use my material and do what they want with it because this person is literally giving it away. I just can’t comprehend what they are up to and what they are thinking about. If they hadn’t added my ccMixter username to the titles of these uploads I’d be none the wiser. What would be great is if ccMixter got in touch with YouTube to sort this out. I’m amazed that this person is even uploading my stems and retitling them, again with invitations to all-and-sundry to do what they want with them. It’s a serious issue and needs sorting fast. If I can contact this person I will. Thanks again for the response—hope we can sort this.
permalink   SackJo22 Wed, Feb 6, 2013 @ 7:08 AM
I just reported the user at YouTube and am about to leave a comment on a video. I am actually pretty incensed about this. Typically, I do believe it is up to individual artists to insure compliance with license terms. However, as this “unwatchable videos” person has clearly abused our entire community, the admin team is also stepping in. I do encourage individual artists who are effected by “unwatchable videos” to take individual action as well.
permalink   Javolenus Wed, Feb 6, 2013 @ 7:24 AM
Excellent—I’m impressed by this response, very much appreciated. I have created a YouTube account specifically to comment on this issue. I’ve left what I think is a direct but polite message. Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon. Really appreciate your quick response on this—much indebted, thanks.

Btw, having checked again on YouTube, I see that “UnwatchableVideos” has literally thousands of uploads on YouTube—what’s going on?!
permalink   Admiral Bob Wed, Feb 6, 2013 @ 8:54 AM
My guess is it is a robo-upload.
permalink   Javolenus Wed, Feb 6, 2013 @ 9:14 AM
Yeah that would figure, as it’s uploading on an industrial scale. But what’s the deal? Just amazed by the whole thing!
Admiral Bob
permalink   Wed, Feb 6, 2013 @ 8:53 AM
I have a few pieces in that collection, but they’ve only taken my CC-BY cases, so I didn’t file a copyright report… not willing to hire a lawyer if there is a dispute against my claim.

But I did leave a nasty note saying that the attribution is insufficient.
permalink   Javolenus Thu, Feb 7, 2013 @ 11:57 AM
I’ve just checked back on YouTube to see what, if anything, has happened re. this issue. Looking at one of my audio pieces, I see that “UnwatchableVideos” has added this:
ublished on 2 Feb 2013
Feel free to use the audio from this video in your own projects licensed under Creative Commons. See more of my videos here The music was created by… and is from ccMixter, please give them credit if you use the song.

I posted another message asking for a Trackback link to the original ccMixter page and this has now appeared, so maybe the issue is gradually getting cleared up? Maybe worth monitoring?

Anyone else got any thoughts on this?
permalink   Thu, Feb 7, 2013 @ 3:25 PM
I think you’re not alone with your problem. Look at this:

There are very many songs from ccMixter members. And it took me quite a long time to discovery experience to the videos. I think something must be done, however.The internet is not a self-service load.
permalink   Javolenus Fri, Feb 8, 2013 @ 6:19 AM
“UnwatchableVideos” has now removed the YouTube uploads featuring my audio—probably too much hassle to add Trackback links to all of them, which is what I was asking.
permalink   Sun, Feb 10, 2013 @ 3:05 PM
UnwatchableVideos 5 hours ago
I just deleted all Texasradiofish songs, sorry for any problems this caused you.

Fast response to a polite Youtube message asking UV to update the texasradiofish CC BY license citations or delete the videos.

permalink   Citizen C Mon, Apr 8, 2013 @ 1:10 AM
So I guess we all have to send them a nice polite message for me it would not be the first time I have had to do that for the record I have watched the backs of the people I have mixed just don’t have much time to do that anymore. Nature is calling me…Thanks T.
permalink   Tue, Feb 26, 2013 @ 7:39 AM
Hi, I found the same with three of my tracks (i did start a new topic in the forum but just noticed this one). I contacted Non Sequitur Media, who UV links to in thier profile but i’ve not heard anything back as yet. When i contacted UV to ask them to credit correctly they just deleted the offending video.
I also contacted a company called omni music whose audio UV had stolen as well, they mentioned that there are adverts on almost all the videos and as videos have to be reported individually they are probably just collecting the revenue everytime someone goes to the page to report infringement.
permalink   Javolenus Tue, Feb 26, 2013 @ 7:46 AM
Wow—so that’s what’s behind it, farming advertising revenue! That explains the industrial-scale uploads and links to external websites. OK, this is evil—please could ccMixter get tough on this with YouTube?
permalink   DFF_Sound_System Tue, Feb 26, 2013 @ 7:52 AM
That would make sense, even if they only make a tiny ammount off each ad, it soon adds up.

I got a reply form non sequitur media which just said “thanks for letting me know”. I’ve messaged them back to see if they want to expand on their thoughts.
permalink   Javolenus Tue, Feb 26, 2013 @ 7:58 AM
Seems like some people have found and are exploiting a loophole that needs to be closed down. YouTube should be made aware what’s happening and some kind of checks put in place to stop this.
permalink   Sun, Apr 7, 2013 @ 12:25 PM
Unreal_dm has just informed me of these postings regarding lack of copyright details, so thanks for that.

I placed a message on each of “UnwatchableVideo’s” posts and also sent a PM asking for proper copyrighting to be added at the earliest opportunity.

I just received this within the last few minutes “Thanks for letting me know. I have removed all those videos”.

So this appears to be the way to go. It would have been easier however if “UnwatchableVideos” had done the honourable thing in the beginning. Now I feel they have just earned a bad rep because the same will probably be true for all his / her “work”.


permalink   Syenta Sun, Apr 7, 2013 @ 12:52 PM
Just to let you all know that I’ve just responded to UnwatchableVideo’s PM thanking him / her for removing my material and at the same time requested he consider removing all ccMixter member’s music before being forced to do so by Youtube. So lets see what happens.


permalink   Syenta Sun, Apr 7, 2013 @ 2:24 PM
Hi All Again,

It appears that all our music has been removed from UnwatchableVideo’s Youtube site. I did a quick search of some of the bigger names here on ccMixter and none could be found. But to be sure I would recommend as many members as possible conduct there own search just in case.


permalink   Javolenus Sun, Apr 7, 2013 @ 2:40 PM
Many thanks for this—really appreciate your sustained (and successful) campaign to sort this out. Cheers.
permalink   Citizen C Mon, Apr 8, 2013 @ 12:44 AM
Quote: JavolenusMany thanks for this—really appreciate your sustained (and successful) campaign to sort this out. Cheers.I wondered about that site wonder if their making money on advertising, its hard to now if its youtube or the user. I have a youtube and it keeps asking me to monetize. I notice I don’t have ads running in the video just on the side so the deal is if their ads running on the video that “user” is monetizing I think. That’s site has to be a bot because no human could upload that amount of tracks in that short time. I have some running commercially it would be nice to get a tip in my 150+ jobs I made more money carrying bags as a bellboy. Dr. William Reeves is right human beings are habitual and I think many are profectionists and spoiled easy buck baby. Best of life ya all!
permalink   Citizen C Mon, Apr 8, 2013 @ 12:45 AM
Quote: ChuckBerglundMany thanks for this—really appreciate your sustained (and successful) campaign to sort this out. Cheers.I wondered about that site wonder if their making money on advertising, its hard to now if its youtube or the user. I have a youtube and it keeps asking me to monetize. I notice I don’t have ads running in the video just on the side so the deal is if their ads running on the video that “user” is monetizing I think. That’s site has to be a bot because no human could upload that amount of tracks in that short time. I have some running commercially it would be nice to get a tip in my 150+ jobs I made more money carrying bags as a bellboy. Dr. William Reeves is right human beings are habitual and I think many are profectionists and spoiled easy buck baby. Best of life ya all!btw thanks for watching out also…in a real community that’s what matters most. Thanks
permalink   Javolenus Mon, Apr 8, 2013 @ 12:54 AM
That’s right—well said Chuck!