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Remix soundmap

Control K
permalink   Thu, Apr 12, 2012 @ 11:53 AM
Not sure if this is the right forum (rather than the pluggy one) and it’s my first ccMixter forum post, so bear with me!

I’ve just recently completed a project that mapped a set of remixes from a ccMixter event (‘Strike The Root’) onto a web page - thought that the commmunity might be interested in taking a look at it.

It was done as part of a Masters degree I’m doing in Digital Media, and gave me a chance to do a little investigative study into remix culture as well as geek out on getting my coding skills up a bit. Hopefully, it works out as a slightly different way to experience a set of songs from a regular linear playlist too.

Anyway, the project’s called Rootmap - drop by if you like the sound of it. Feel free to hit me up in the comments section of the page too!


permalink   Fri, Apr 13, 2012 @ 4:36 PM
very thorough & professionally planned & executed. good usable content on the Rootmap site.