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layout - Actions Window - modal

Stefan Krüger
permalink   Sun, Mar 13, 2011 @ 7:44 AM

it would be great if the Actions Window would appear in the near of the clicked link- so - you havent this ‘long way with your mouse….
and it would be a dream when you could manage to have this options/actions as a non modal dialog:
just a ‘smal’ panel that appear under your mouse - and if you move your mouse out of it, it disappears..
I love easy to use User interfaces :-)

Leuchtende Grüße
luminous greetings

Stefan Krüger
permalink   Wed, Mar 23, 2011 @ 2:27 PM
thanks for your input. we’re actually at the early stages of looking at site improvements, new features and design. feedback is encouraged from all - we’ll do what we can, step by step. :)