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Q: had to add guitar?

Lucas Gonze
permalink   Mon, Dec 27, 2004 @ 5:46 PM
I’ve been thinking that it would be really cool to add guitar parts to music here, but I don’t have equipment to hook up my electric to the computer, and then I’d need a remixer that allowed me to sync live playing to the playback.

So, any suggestions on tools to do that?

Thanks in advance.
permalink   Mon, Dec 27, 2004 @ 6:02 PM
The short answer is: get ACID or Traktion.

The longer answer:

One way or the other you’ll need to input the guitar into your sound card. You can mic your amp but then you should get headphones (more below).

Once you’re there most remixing software has the ability to record from the sound card. I’m not 100% sure about ACID Express mentioned here:

You don’t need a hardware mixer if you use remixing software because you’ll do the mix in the software.

As far as sync goes, the remixing sofware will play back the project while you record (this is why you want headphones if you are recording using a mic — otherwise, if you are recording ‘direct’ then you’ll hear both the project and you’re playing as you are recording.)

Even if you’re a little off while recording, you can use the remixing software to make micro adjustments to the whole track, or slice it up and move around just sections (even one note at a time if you get good at slicing). Personally I’ve never had to resort to *cough* *cough* —— *cough* —- never mind.

I’m guessing I either completely answered your question or missed the barn by a mile.
Lucas Gonze
permalink   Mon, Dec 27, 2004 @ 6:06 PM
Quote: I’m guessing I either completely answered your question or missed the barn by a mile.

Whoa. That is a really good answer, Victor. Awesome.

hm. I had a copy of Acid around about five years ago, don’t know where it is now…
permalink   Thu, Jan 13, 2005 @ 5:34 PM
Also, if you have the means, I would highly recomend a Line 6 Pod XT Guitar processor. Not only does it have all kinds of highly customisable amp models, It also has a USB out that allows you to directly record to your computer. It’s a very useful tool.

Take a look @
permalink   Sat, Jan 15, 2005 @ 3:36 PM
hey, I just ran across this ditty:

it seems to be a direct guitar->usb dongle.

permalink   Fri, Mar 18, 2005 @ 2:00 AM
I use a speaker simulator for my amps and plug it into a Joemeek pre-amp and then plug it into soundcard (rme and echo).

permalink   Thu, May 5, 2005 @ 12:02 AM
i use Native Instrument Guitarrig to record guitar.
its a vsti plugin..but u need a low latency soundcard to do that..
guitar > soundcard > guitarrig
or u can just use slayer,slayer2(vsti plugin too) to create guitar sound(sync)..slayer avaible free in Fruityloops Studio
permalink   Wed, Jun 29, 2005 @ 8:05 AM
if you record your guitar by plugging it straight into your computer, it will probably sound very thin and lack any kind of presence. you may also find that it distorts a lot. you can buy a little battery powered box that changes the impedance of the signal from your guitar to suit your computer. it shouldn’t cost more than US$40, and is a great investment. try the samson s-direct (google)…

you can then do all the distortion/effects on the computer, which saves you a shedload of cash in the long run, and is much more readily tweakable than doing it all in analog…

Lucas Gonze
permalink   Wed, Jun 29, 2005 @ 12:46 PM
Ah! Yeah, it sounds terrible straight in, except as a novelty for creating really ugly distortion.
Dj Dollar Bill
permalink   Thu, Jun 30, 2005 @ 6:06 PM
I havent had to try this yet, but couldnt you use the guitar amps headphone out >> to a souncard in for recording ??? Or amp headphones out to a hardware mixer then soundcard ???
Lucas Gonze
permalink   Thu, Jun 30, 2005 @ 6:36 PM
Naw, the gain is still completely wrong, at least with my miniamp.
permalink   Fri, Jul 1, 2005 @ 7:34 AM
the impedance of a phono signal is quite different from the impedance of a line signal, hence the unwanted artifacts on anything "raw"…
Dj Core
permalink   Tue, Aug 9, 2005 @ 11:44 AM
Sorry if i’m disturbing this topic..but i have a question and i hope someone can ansewr me (sorry for my bad English) try to understand me if u can :)

I want to use slayer that you can find in fl studio but i have a very unconfortable problem: i’ve put a distort guitar like power metal but when Iwant to stop the sound of this guitar the noise still go on and on… how can i stop this noise when i want?
permalink   Thu, Aug 18, 2005 @ 12:24 AM
Quote: i use Native Instrument Guitarrig to record guitar.
its a vsti plugin..but u need a low latency soundcard to do that..
guitar > soundcard > guitarrig
or u can just use slayer,slayer2(vsti plugin too) to create guitar sound(sync)..slayer avaible free in Fruityloops Studio

If you are into VST: Have you tried GSuite by I love it and the plugin is free (need a fast soundcard and a real-VST driver, otherwise the latency is a pain in the butt) and I’d like to know what others think.
permalink   Fri, Aug 26, 2005 @ 2:31 PM
the whole thing becomes even more complicated if you have any desire to play live. i use a pxtpro and love it but i wish i had a vetta combo. the thing has digital outs, full midi, and can run two amp models simultaneously! and oh, did i mention that it also screams at 150 watts when provoked in live situations? cool stuff.

my guitar does tend to sound thin just going direct. that’s another reason i lust for the monster named above. from what i understand, a track of the guitar recorded by mic out of a small amp, layered in with all the digital possibilities is what brings back the fullness to recorded guitars.

but, i’m still working on it. i do hear the thinness in my own stuff but, i can’t part with the digital flexibility. i’m saving my money for the next version of the monster. i’ve got a fender that i’m going to start using a mic on while i track through the pxtpro until then. i’m hoping the combination will straighten things out.