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About Magnatune Pre-cut Loops

DJ Psyonik Fantasy
permalink   Fri, Nov 26, 2010 @ 1:29 AM
I was wondering if there was a way to find the pre-cut loops in the Attribution search on the submit form, as I have used a few of them and would like to post the result, but am unsure how to find them. I tried looking under “Magnatune” and searched the artists name but the pre-cut loops don’t appear, I’m curious if I’m missing something, or a step to finding them in the search?
Admiral Bob
permalink   Fri, Nov 26, 2010 @ 3:46 AM
Pre-cut loops? Not sure exactly what you are referring to.

There are three different ways to search the sample pool.

You can search by artist (set the Sources dropdown to “Artist” and enter their name in the text box beside it. This will list all the materials, including samples, loops, pellas, and even remixes that they’ve posted nothing is spared. If the loops you are expecting to see don’t show this way, that means they simply aren’t there to be found. If what you’re looking for was on this site, leave the last drop down set to “this site” and not Magnatune.

You can put in the title of the piece, and set the Sources drop down to Title. The title can either be the full name of the song as it originally appeared, or a partial title. Anything that matches that in the selected sample pool will show.

Or you can put “Full search” in the Sources drop down, where the key word you enter will return results both for artists and song names.
permalink   DJ Psyonik Fantasy Fri, Nov 26, 2010 @ 5:37 AM
I tried with the other 2 as well, no luck, but the page that they are on is
Under Pre-cut loop libraries.
Thanks for looking into this for me.
permalink   Fri, Nov 26, 2010 @ 10:08 AM
attribute to artist name “Loops for licensing” from the Magnatune sample pool. Pick any one there.
permalink   DJ Psyonik Fantasy Sat, Nov 27, 2010 @ 3:21 AM
Ok, I looked under that and found it. Thank you everyone who looked into this for me. I really appreciate it.