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magnatune remix contest - dead in water??

permalink   Wed, Aug 31, 2005 @ 10:14 AM
Yeh Im wondering why it is taking so long to judge the entries to the Lisa DeBenedictis remix contest… so I emailed Magnatune about it… NO RESPONSE. Im wondering if anyone else has a more inside scoop on the status of this contest. Its been over a month since it ended, which I would think gives plenty of time to judge results. Even if it is not enough time, a projected date should be easy to do. Yet we have neither.

I am going to send another email to magnatune, and I will post their response here.
permalink   Wed, Aug 31, 2005 @ 10:41 AM
Well I don’t speak for CC or Magnatune but I’ve been in touch with Magnatune (the founders are friends) and I can tell they are busy listening and carefully considering the entries.

Yes, there has been “plenty of time” of listen to over 200 entries one time through but comparing, judging and finalizing (by several judges, including at least one non-Magnatune employee) is another matter.

I can tell you that in my experience the typical web remix contest on say Acid Planet can take many months to finalize and they are typically picking ONE winner (with a runner-up or two). Don’t forget they are trying to build/produce an album out of this — it can take a while to do that under normal cirucumstances ;)

So, a little more patience (understandably hard to come by when it’s your music involved) is humbly asked for (by me anyway). I think somebody said a “September” time-frame for announcing but to be honest if my music was in the contest I would prefer it be on the best possible album rather than hitting an artificial deadline which may be easy to project, harder to hit.

permalink   Wed, Aug 31, 2005 @ 1:58 PM
Hmmm… I was assuming that they would choose and announce the winning entries BEFORE mastering them and building an album with them. IMO of course.

I know these things can take time, I am just wondering about some kind of feedback. I would not have posted anything here if someone at magnatune had responded to my email. Im just looking for info - not simply being impatient.
permalink   Wed, Aug 31, 2005 @ 2:06 PM
oh, I didn’t say anything about mastering — I just meant picking the songs from between 5-10 completely different artists to make an album that flows aurally leave alone in feel can be a big job that (speaking strictly for myself) can take weeks to get right.

I guess you can try reaching someone at the label at their forums

permalink   Fri, Sep 30, 2005 @ 5:19 AM
Another month rolls by.
permalink   Fri, Sep 30, 2005 @ 7:57 AM
permalink   Fri, Sep 30, 2005 @ 10:36 PM
I’m sitting here next to Mr. Buckman and just posted this to the Magnatune forums.