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Band name

Sven 'pixel' Klose
permalink   Sun, Aug 14, 2005 @ 8:01 AM

I play with several bands who want me to upload stuff here. It’d be nice to be able to override the artist/band name.

Best regards,
permalink   Sun, Aug 14, 2005 @ 10:04 AM
If those band have solo tracks, samples and a cappellas then this is the site to do it, make as many accounts as you need and there’s no limit to those kiind of uploads (and of course, remixes).

But if all you guys have is fully mixed (non-remixes) original tracks then upload to: OR

instead.They will host all your original material for the rest of life forever and ever.

We have severe limits on the number of original fully mixed tracks allowed here. This is a remix site and over 93% of fully mixed tracks are never sampled. 2/3rd are never even rated once and over half are NEVER LISTENED TO ;) except by the people that uploaded them a few conciense Mixter folks who listen to every thing.

Upload an a cappella and you chances of getting remixed (and therefore promoting your bands) goes up over 60%.

Hope this helps,