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The White Cube Remix -- Thank You!!!

permalink   Tue, Dec 15, 2009 @ 8:26 AM
To our dear mixters:

Gurdonark and I want to thank each of you for the overwhelming response to The White Cube Remix. Mixters contributed a total of 94 remixes to the project, across a wide variety of musical styles, using a broad array of creative and fun ideas. The exhibit opens this Thursday, December 17, and continues to February 14, 2010.

We are including each and every one of the 94 remixes in the RAM Galleri installation, as it is our intention that this inclusive project reflect the sharing, collaborative spirit of the ccmixter community, representing the sonic portion of “imploding the White Cube.”

We randomly sequenced the tracks (using a formula to randomize the list), loaded an mp3 player with this mega-mix, and sent it to curator, Rolf Gerstlauer, who will install the mp3 player and speakers in the RAM Galleri space so the music can be looped. In addition, a computer will be set up in the gallery so visitors can visit internet sites associated with this project, including the weblog we established in conjunction with this project. Included in the weblog is an attribution page with links to each mixter’s upload page. We invite you to leave comments on the weblog describing your thoughts about participating in The White Cube Remix.

We are also grateful for the many video and photographic contributions to The White Cube Remix. A photo by mixter Hepepe will be used to accompany the announcement flyer for the project. Soon we will have links on the weblog to several videos which have already been made with White Cube themes.

We anticipate that further things will be happening with The White Cube Remix. We are working now on ways to broaden this project and to extend its reach. We will keep you updated via future announcements.

If any of you are in Europe and wish to visit the RAM Galleri, please drop us a mixter message. We’ll make sure that the gallery knows you are coming. We also would love to see any photos or videos you create at the gallery.

Both of us have been profoundly moved by the experience of coordinating this project. The ccMixter community is an extraordinary force of creativity. Collectively, we will bring incredible, explosive, light to The White Cube, illustrating the power of a connection that traverses space and time.

We cannot thank each of you enough for your warm reception of the project. We are indeed grateful to each of you and to Artistech for making this project so much fun.

SackJo22 and Gurdonark


The White Cube Remix Blog

The White Cube Remix Blog – Attribution Page

The White Cube Remix Playlist (Randomized)

RAM Galleri

Video of the opening
permalink   Tue, Dec 15, 2009 @ 10:46 AM
I just want to say how much I loved this project. It was impressive from beginning to end and a joy to behold.

(btw, I was embarrassed to notice a layout bug in the ccM attribution template you used so I fixed it on our end - now, it’s beautiful ;))
permalink   Snowflake Thu, Dec 17, 2009 @ 4:58 PM
you rock VS!!!
permalink   Thu, Dec 17, 2009 @ 2:28 PM
This morning (PST) there was a video conference in the RAM Galleri with curator Rolf Gerstlauer and his colleagues Inger, Kristine, Eli and Erik, Gurdonark, Snowflake, Spinningmerkaba, Spinmeister (who also stopped by for a virtual visit), and St. Paul — who was there live! It was an extraordinary event to hear the work of the mixters broadcast in such a setting. Everyone expressed their delight with this project, and their appreciation for the talent, vision and creativity of all of the mixters!

Congratulations to all of you!
permalink   Snowflake Thu, Dec 17, 2009 @ 4:55 PM
I am so honored SackJo and Gurdonark invited us to be part of this project and this very special day. Their direction and support with The White Cube has been astounding.

Rolf just wrote to all of us and I hope you don’t mind if I share a bit of what he said:

The ccMixter explosion is now life alive and it’s impact on the white cube is tremendous!!! The sound installation works extremely well inside the space. It is ‘one thing’ to experience what has been created on in - but to experience it in the white cube exceeds all expectations… This is it… and this is good! People understand it and without the support of anything else then the white cube. The moment we stopped talking and the mp3-player got switched on was mesmerizing. The moment the second piece played was breathtaking… and the moment song number three started brought the light. So it will be for all who enter the white cube. People say they feel ‘disarmed’ by what they experience…. You are amazing people and the people understand that too - they’re inspired by you.

I experienced something extraordinary through The White Cube project. ccMixter is….magic.

The whole room explodes! :D
permalink   gurdonark Fri, Dec 18, 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Imagine you’re sitting in a law office, at your grandfather’s large double “partner’s desk” in front of a computer monitor. You wore your suit, because that works better in your office than, say, tie-dye.

You have a small camera before you, on a stand. In the monitor, you see warm faces and hear kind voices, arranging matters to your complete satisfaction. The reception is amazing—a woman walks in the back of the museum, and you hear the clip-clip-clip of her heels on the floor.

Imagine that times passes, and it’s noon, only it’s really 7:30 in the evening. and a group of folks are gathered in the space.

It all begins with the video of Anchor Mejans and St. Paul’s “mackerel song”, without the needless frippery of introduction.

Then a kind woman says something in Norwegian (or else, you can’t understand her), before she presents St. Paul with a bottle of something appropriate to the season and the locale.

Then imagine that a professor named Rolf is giving a detailed description of the idea of the white cube as a construct of the art space, and about how art has its materials and architecture has its materials and how the white cube is a construct in its own right—but perhaps it could be destroyed.

You’re able to see the people as they listen, and then you are dropped from the call, so that they can call Emily and Jason. Then, a few moments later, this audience of kind people in Norway is standing and watching and listening attentively and they say they wish they could offer you wine and you say you wish you could offer them BBQ. You’re maybe a bit more of your Arkansas than you always show, because you are a bit more effusive than you are in some other arenas of life and you wave to Inger and you say “hi” to everyone. Then Rolf is asking you questions about the project and you’re explaining about foreground and background and sharing music and Susan’s great poem and all the participation and how there are over 68 people from many countries who contributed 94 songs in roughly the space of a month and Creative Commons and our hopes and dreams and notions. Then they go to talk to Susan, and though you can’t hear the things she says, everyone reports later that she read the poem, which was the perfect way to lead into the music.

Then you’re watching the museum, while the music begins to play. The music is in a small RCA mp3 player you shipped via federal express to Oslo, like a flying Victrola dog on a Sputnik that returns to earth. You loaded that mp3 player yourself, on a cold north Texas night, and now it is sitting in Oslo, on a cold Norwegian night. It’s no longer a cheap item you got at an electronics store—it’s the chief instrument of a sound installation.

First, Susan’s poem plays. Then, a song plays. You hadn’t really figured out this particular mp3 player’s song ordering convention, so that the song order so randomly chosen is played back at random.

You see one man sit back against a wall and just take in the sound—and you realize that in all your life, all you ever wanted, was for one person to listen, really listen.

Visitors walk the museum, and the songs play,and it all works, just as everyone had envisioned it
and from the fringes of the cube, you see something growing. Perhaps it’s lotus. Perhaps it’s the residue of some future explosion.Perhaps it’s merely imagination.

What you know for sure is that you are there, and you are sharing it, and listeners are sharing it with you, and what you dreamed up with an architecture professor and a musical genius and 68 brilliant mixters is not only open, but off and running.

What begins with a bang, continues with a vision, and then melts into a horizon of new beginings.

Many thanks to Sackjo22, Professor Rolf Gerstlauer, The Ram Galleri and its wonderful staff, Eirik who set up the video link, snowflake and Spinningmerkaba, St. Paul, and every mixter who participated, as well as everyone i have not remembered to mention but will remedy via more edits.
permalink   timberman Sat, Dec 19, 2009 @ 7:52 AM
How very nice to read this from your perspective, from the other side of the web camera, Bob. You looked great behind that impressive desk!
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Dec 20, 2009 @ 8:28 PM
reading this helped me re-live this magical moment again. i will never forget it. Yes, watching that man lean against the wall and take in the music, truly, may be enough to last the rest of my lifetime.
permalink   Thu, Dec 17, 2009 @ 5:23 PM
I had so much fun today exploding the White Cube—actually it started for me last night here in California—looking at sunclocks to see where it was night and day on the planet, and where Oslo was.

Then today was filled with Twitter posts, Skype phone calls, and ustream videos—connecting in real time Sackjo22, Gurdonark, Snowflake, St. Paul, and Spinmeister with the Rolf and his team from the RAM Galleri—We toasted to their opening over the internet while we listened to some of the 94 mixes randomly playing in the background.

I hope there is more like this to come!

The White Cube Remix Project made me feel like the world is my home, by exploding the barriers of time and place.

It was like stepping into a great big empty room, or beginning to draw on a whole new white canvas—so many possibilities are open in that moment. A sonic boom of creativity that drops ones jaw and puts stars in ones eyes.

Thank you Sackjo22 and Gurdonark and ccMixter! Cheers!

permalink   Thu, Dec 17, 2009 @ 8:57 PM
You are awesome for putting this together SackJo!
permalink   SackJo22 Fri, Dec 18, 2009 @ 7:41 AM
Thanks Papa_Zulu, but this project truly reflects our collective efforts, starting with the initial steps taken with Gurdonark and Rolf Gerstlauer, the show’s curator, to the contributions of the community, to the enthusiastic support of the ccMixter admins. ccMixter rocks!
permalink   timberman Fri, Dec 18, 2009 @ 11:28 AM
It was a fantastic event. I know because I was there.

Received a bottle of Akvavit as a gift from the gallery to the community. Don’t know how to share it with all of you. Any ideas?

Greetings from Oslo.
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permalink   timberman Sat, Dec 19, 2009 @ 7:51 AM
permalink   spinmeister Fri, Dec 18, 2009 @ 5:02 PM
thanks for the blog post! And above all, for making the big trip. That put a wonderful exclamation mark on this remarkable project!
permalink   timberman Sat, Dec 19, 2009 @ 7:54 AM
Thanks, Spin. It was a blast.
permalink   essesq Mon, Dec 21, 2009 @ 12:45 AM
This page is crowded and that’s a good thing but I’ll keep this short. The project was really neat to watch unfold and be a part of. I think reading everyone’s recounting of opening day was what brought it home to me. Thank you all for writing about your experiences and especially Per, your blog post was outstanding.
permalink   gurdonark Fri, Dec 18, 2009 @ 10:09 PM
Great weblog post. Thank you for sharing it.
permalink   Fri, Dec 18, 2009 @ 3:40 PM
St. Paul blogged about his experience at the opening of The White Cube Remix at RAM Galleri. You can check it out here.
permalink   Mon, Dec 21, 2009 @ 7:49 AM
You can now watch the opening of The White Cube Remix project! Just click HERE.
permalink   Mon, Dec 21, 2009 @ 4:18 PM
Dear ccMixters:
Please have me excused for intruding from the outside, but this seems to be the right moment and place to bow my head and say THANK YOU to the great ccMixter community for the enthusiasm shown and the unique work created!
The white cube remix project is a blast!

RAM Gallery plans to broadcast more videos on the event and with a focus on sound rather then the talking – stay tuned. Please do also visit our upload page here at – the ‘hurra for deg’ birthday song is dedicated to ccMixter and Creative Commons and was sung by the audience at the opening. We put all our faith into the glorious Mixters in order to get the most out of this sample.

A special Thank You goes to the main force behind the explosion/implosion: Gurdonark and SackJo22 – you both are fabulous and we can’t say that enough times! It was fantastic to see Snowflake and spinningmerkaba inside the cube too – thank you for visiting us, you too made quite an impression! St. Paul was the noteworthy worthy representative of the ccMixter community present at the opening – here’s to you Per, skål!!!

The event has just begun!
Rolf, curator of the Ram Gallery Oslo 20th anniversary exhibition ‘an attempt to explode/implode the white cube’, November 19th – February 14th 2010.