Imagination Rising Remix Event
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New SWARM recording for dissection and recombination

permalink   Fri, Nov 20, 2009 @ 5:20 PM
For the past several weeks SWARM has been conducting a series of experimental sessions with an unusual collection of objects. Unusual even by our standards – which is saying something. The centrepiece has been a variant setup of Bill’s Strange Fruit tower assemblage. We’ve altered the configuration of instruments and added more contact microphones. The tower mics all run through a little 8 channel mixer which runs to the main board and through a set of powered monitors. We’re also using two sets of large cans, an assortment of pvc drums, a portable suitcase sized xylophone and a set of tuned tanks (of the sort used for holding pressurized gasses). Also rototoms, and at one point the floor.

This is the first release of that undertaking.

There’s more information about the group and the instruments at:

We encourage very much the disassembly, reconstruction, dismemberment, recontextualization and subversion of this work.