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Originals of remixes

permalink   Thu, May 28, 2009 @ 12:23 AM
I’m playing around with an idea. To document original versions of songs remixed at ccmixter for reference and to track back to the sample & pells.

I’ve just started. Let me know if this is something of interest to you. I have not decided if this is worth doing or not.

Thank you. : )
MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Thu, May 28, 2009 @ 9:18 AM
hey that’s really cool teru. i think it’s an awesome idea. i think sometimes the “source” artists get the short end of the stick, at least from an extended attribution standpoint. without the source artists, there would be no remixes and no ccmixter.

and i really like the idea of highlighting a particular track, maybe one that is really derivative or has had many different versions.

i think limiting it to complete “songs” is an easy way to do this, but i hope you might also consider even stuff like one of panu’s vocal tracks, or one of FHC3’s pella tracks, and show the many ways it can evolve into different things.

so yeah, i dig.
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Thu, May 28, 2009 @ 9:30 AM
wait, did you just change everything since i posted that? it looks different now.
permalink   teru Thu, May 28, 2009 @ 10:52 AM
No. But thanks. : )
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Thu, May 28, 2009 @ 10:57 AM
ha, i think i might have been confusing it with this new fangled remix history chart thing that senor stone has seemingly secretly enabled and i was checking out at the same time. :)

but hey, your idea is still cool! :)
permalink   Fri, May 29, 2009 @ 1:40 PM
finally had a chance to check it out.

I think it’s a very cool idea. — I’ve always been fascinated by history and also by different versions of songs, even when there were only remakes, before the evolution of remixing.

Have you considered adding to each post the highest rated remixes as a widget? i.e. to make it easier to listen to the original AND the best remixes?

permalink   Fri, May 29, 2009 @ 4:02 PM
I think it’s a really neat idea. Anything at all that brings the enormity of this site down into a munchable meal is a great idea.

I remember fondly the moment when I realized that a remix wasn’t just taking the source stems and creating a rearrangement of them. What an epiphany!

So after you do all the full songs, and the cool pells you can turn your hand to all the spoken word stuff (laughs hysterically into the night…). I am seriously kidding and not serious at all. For real.

For all you do for this site, thanks Teru.
permalink   teru Tue, Jun 2, 2009 @ 10:58 AM
The newest entry should interest you. And should answer the question you asked in another thread about separate tracks for the DJ Vadim stems. :)
permalink   spinmeister Tue, Jun 2, 2009 @ 7:47 PM
brilliant! - thanks for posting that - I love that original! And DJ V’s build on that makes even more sense now.
permalink   essesq Wed, Jun 3, 2009 @ 2:04 PM
Thank you very much teru (just noticed you don’t capitalize your nickname). That is indeed interesting and useful.

I will eventually be doing a remix. But “eventually” can be a very long time.