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attribution of samples from other CC sites

Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .
permalink   Tue, Jul 19, 2005 @ 8:26 PM

I recently used a very small sample from the FreeSound project in a song posted on the site. Did I do the attribution part right? Here’s the remix I submitted:

permalink   Wed, Jul 20, 2005 @ 4:17 AM
actually it’s the *source* that determines what’s required regarding attribution — know what I mean? If a piece of source is public domain then you don’t need to give it attribution because you, as part of the public, own it.

unfortunately, the coot.waterfowl.marsh doesn’t seem to specifiy ANY usage policy so, technically it’s hard to tell what’s legal to do with it and what’s not.

in general, you should be careful regarding the Magnatune contest because if you win you’ll end up on a commercial CD and they won’t take your entry if there are sample they have to pay for or can’t re-license under by-nc-sa.

Make sense?

permalink   Wed, Jul 20, 2005 @ 4:26 AM
wups, I lied, I missed this:

"All audio content you download from the freesound project is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 license. "

That’s a problem, as stated several places around this site (like in the contest rules and samples download page) samples under this license aren’t compitable with the way Magnatune works so that could be a problem.

(btw, I’m not a lawyer, I’m a code hacker and site admin and some other stuff but not a lawyer so if this is concerning you then I can forward it ot the appropriate paces.)

Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .
permalink   Wed, Jul 20, 2005 @ 8:21 PM
Thanks Victor. Sorry you had to dig into that - just wanted to make sure I was attributing correctly when the sample came from outside mixter.

I read the contest rules a couple times, and (I’m probably just not good at interpreting legalease) I didn’t get that samples under the CC Sampling Plus 1.0 license are off limits. Section 3 ii C says I can use, "Material in the public domain and other material you have express permission use and license". I understand that as long as I give credit to the sampler, then I do have permission to use and license a mix that includes FreeSound sample under the license they use.

Do you guys pretty much have a stance on usage of samples from some of the major sound sources online? If so, it might make sense to just publish that somehow. Maybe a matrix with columns Sample Source, License, Permitted Usage on ccMixter, and Permitted Usage in Context Du Jour. And then rows for the significant sample sources out there (, FreeSound, Opsound, Magnatune, etc. whatever they are). Maybe then update it quarterly or something. Just a suggestion. Actually, if you have the information, then I could even throw the matrix together in whatever format you use for content (not sure you accept volunteer help like that though).
permalink   Wed, Jul 20, 2005 @ 8:51 PM
From the loops download page:

"Music licensed under the Sampling licenses (i.e. most of what is currently available on CC Mixter) is specifically NOT allowed to used in this contest."

You’re not the first to get caught up in this (fwiw, it was not a happy when we figured out Sampling and Magnatune’s by-nc-sa were not "compatible").

As far as the matrix goes that’s kind of what the CC licenses were designed to do (Sampling nonesense notwithstanding ;))

We’ve had several requests for a ‘license wizard’ that let’s you figure out what’s compatible and what isn’t. For now: I’m not a lawyer but my understanding is that basically any of the following are perfectly safe for mixing and posting to Mixter:

Public Domain

The latter two, of course, requires attribution which currently means either filling out the ‘Source URL’ in your upload’s properties or in the description.

For Magnatune it’s Public Domain and nothing else, again, because they don’t want to pay out or even have to ask.

Not speaking for CC, it’s really the Sampling licenses that kind of confused everything. After the Magnatune contest is sown up we’re going to offer the licenses mentioned above here on the site and that will make things a whole lot simpler.

Hope this helps,
Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .
permalink   Thu, Jul 21, 2005 @ 2:23 PM
Totally clear on what’s in/out now - thanks a bunch Victor.