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Call for remixes: Snowflake's Earth Day Challenge

permalink   Sun, Apr 12, 2009 @ 2:08 PM
Creative Commons and Snowflake are proud to announce a call for remixes in honor of Earth Day 2009. Singer, musician and poet Snowflake has put all the stems, including the a cappella for her song Apologize into the Commons under an Attribution NonCommercial license, hosted on ccMixter, and is looking for remixes to be featured on her site on April 20th.

After all the remixes are posted, Snowflake will pick her favorite remix and include it as a surprise 11th track on her FanClub release “One or Ten” on April 20th. She tells us the remixer will be awarded producer royalties for the track as well.

In addition, Snowflake has generously offered to donate $200 to a green non-profit, to be chosen by the producer of her favorite remix of Apologize.

Snowflake is a long time and popular contributor to ccMixter and thinks “ccMixter embodies a significant evolution in synergistic sound. With creativity expanding from its source, our musical compositions gain color, speed and strength as we share, mix, and mash.”

Make sure to check out Snowflake at her new website that features both her ccMixter source tracks and five favorite remixes.

There’s not a lot time left to crank out the tunes so read more and download the sources at Snowflake’s Earth Day Call for Remixes.
permalink   Sun, Apr 12, 2009 @ 4:26 PM
When’s the deadline? Does it have to use the acapella vocals (I like some bits of the rough mix myself)?
permalink   victor Sun, Apr 12, 2009 @ 4:54 PM
Snowflake has said she would like to decide by the 16th but I don’t know how firm that is. I also suspect you could technically do an imstrumental but it is not really in the “spirit” of a call for remixes.
permalink   Mon, Apr 13, 2009 @ 7:49 PM
I made my version of this song, but I don’t actually know how to enter it into the contest. Am I missimg something? Where is the submission page? The deadline is upon us!
permalink   victor Mon, Apr 13, 2009 @ 7:54 PM
Just post it to the site like any remix.
permalink   Whitewolf Mon, Apr 13, 2009 @ 8:18 PM
Quote: fourstonesJust post it to the site like any remix.

Thank you. This is the first time I tried to enter a contest on this site. I thought I was overlooking something :-)
permalink   Wed, Apr 15, 2009 @ 6:12 PM
…and it seems Snowflake will be listening throughout the week.

Quote: Dear talented friends at ccMixter…

I have been so moved by the remixes you’ve created so far. I am inspired. Thank you.

I’d like to extend the deadline to Friday night (April 17), 11:59p PST!!!

Please take the No Plastic Pledge for EarthDay (no plastic bags or bottles)….


permalink   MC Jack in the Box Wed, Apr 15, 2009 @ 6:58 PM
i like how you “extended” the homepage banner to cover the “search”… :)
permalink   victor Wed, Apr 15, 2009 @ 7:11 PM
erg - what browser/os are you on?
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Wed, Apr 15, 2009 @ 8:19 PM
actually, when i typed that i was at the office (firefox/vista) but now i’m home and it looks fine (firefox/OSX). i’ll check it again tomorrow.

heh. i thought that was intentional. :)
permalink   victor Wed, Apr 15, 2009 @ 8:22 PM
well, I shortened it - I’m just surprised the two were anywhere near each other in FF.
permalink   Derek Wright Wed, Apr 15, 2009 @ 8:27 PM
Excellent - I took a break from making music and came back to this remix with only 3 days left! Now I have time for some more finishing touches :D
permalink   essesq Fri, Apr 17, 2009 @ 8:24 AM
I doubt I’ll make the deadline but is that Pacific Standard or Daylight time … yea if I do a mix it’ll be that close probably … I’m not necessarily gunning to be an entry, just curious :-).
permalink   victor Fri, Apr 17, 2009 @ 8:33 AM
Quote: I’d like to extend the deadline to Friday night (April 17), 11:59p PST!!!
permalink   essesq Fri, Apr 17, 2009 @ 8:37 AM
Just checking it was what was intended…sometimes there is some pretty interesting typing around here. Damn I just lost an hour!!1