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Talento Escondido

Sr. Privado
permalink   Fri, Nov 7, 2008 @ 5:39 AM
Hello artists and remixers here at ccMixter. I am about to start a project called “Talento Escondido” (in English: Hidden Talent). The idea is to search and seize opportunities to broadcast the music of independent artists. My main priority is to broadcast artists here where I am, Puerto Rico. However, I will also feature international artists (“international” from our point of view) and my plan is to exploit ccMixter.

So the first reason of my post is to let you know.

Secondly, because it is a commercial project, I know I need to contact first the artists behind music with the NC clause. I’ll appreciate any experience you may have in that area.

Third, more to the ccMixter admins, I want ccMixter to be part of this project. I will encourage the local artist to submit samples to ccMixter. I was thinking on opening a new account called “Talento Escondido” to submit all the entries under that account… or maybe just tagging all entries as “talento_escondido” is just fine. I am wondering if there is a better option for this.

Finally, I’ll appreciate any idea or suggestions, or if you are willing to share experiences. You can learn more about my project at (in Spanish)

Thanks for your attention.
permalink   Fri, Nov 7, 2008 @ 7:03 AM
sounds awesome! Thanks for this

Definitely tagging the upload is the way to go, not the ‘special account’