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How to use the Podcast Doohickeys (and Why)

permalink   Tue, Jun 3, 2008 @ 10:10 PM
Every now and again you run across a symbol that looks like this:

That means there is a ‘podcast’ associated with the page you are looking at. If you drag that icon to your ‘podcast-aware’ music player (e.g. iTunes) it will read that link and create the podcast.

Most podcasts on ccMixter are ‘dynamic’ - that means that the contents of the podcast change as people upload things to the site so you will want to refresh the podcast every now and then.

People use this method to download entire page worth of tracks directly into their player.

Some music players don’t understand the drag-drop method, but instead require you to type in a URL of the podcast. In that case, instead of dragging the click on it instead and your browser will navigate to the podcast content page. Copy the URL from your browser’s address bar and use that as the podcast URL in your music player.
permalink   Sun, Nov 15, 2009 @ 2:43 PM
Please note that we now also host pre-curated podcasts on the ccMixter Music Channel