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Yea, I'm pissed, what of it?

Doghouse Riley
permalink   Sat, May 10, 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Go on an listen to my latest ifn ya think yor up to it, Farley.
permalink   Sun, May 11, 2008 @ 2:26 PM
The remix is great (of course) - you stick to cajunifying I’ll stick to 70s pornifying because that’s what makes the site great - but I do wish (ducking for cover) you would treat the ‘how i did it’ a scooch more serious… it’s a valuable resource for folks but only if it helps them understand other folks’ processes.
permalink   Doghouse Riley Sun, May 11, 2008 @ 3:47 PM
Hey there Fourstones, ol pal. How’s it hangin? Thanks fer the kind words as regards my still-ain’t-been-elevated-to-the-questionably-rareified-status-of-an-editors-pick-tho-why-on-gawds-green-earth-I-could-not-say ol magnum opuses. I sincerely appreeeeeciate it! First, to yor allusion to “cajunifyin”, two points. One, I ain’t never done on this here site (or any other that I recall) a “cajun” mix a any sort (or zydeco neither) although ifn you’d like me ta run one up fer ya I’m sure I could oblige given the “proper pella”. Two, if you ever are over here in the bad (formerly good) ol USofA and further happen to find yorself somewhere in “Lawsseeana” in the heart of cajun country do not, I repeat, do not utter the modifier “ifyin” after the word “cajun” at any time to any one. Honest. Just a helpful hint there, ol pal. And now to yor second point that I should be more…er…forthcomin in my remarks in the “How I Did It” section. Wail, I’ll consider that with the honest, open and naturally inquisitive little pea brain that it appears I’m saddled with but really on this last one here (and a couple others) I did answer truthfully. While it is true that I do, on very rare occasions, ifn the piece begs for it, use pre-made drum or percussion loops, quite nearly everthang on most of what I do is performed (as in played, with my own little paws) by me. I guess I don’t fully understand the little boxes and the questions they ask. It surely wouldn’t be the first (or last) time that one a them little boxes on the screen ain’t got the better of me. But hey, don’t go spreadin that around, will ya? I got a reputation to maintain.

So, in closin, let me just say as I raise yet another martini, here’s to yor health and the purity and essence of yor bodily fluids!!

permalink   victor Sun, May 11, 2008 @ 5:57 PM
The idea behind hidi is to bank on the continued generosity of musicians who participate in the site aurally and who might be willing to share the artistic process along with the music. Some fantastic examples of hidis posted in the last week are here, here and here. By reading these, there’s a chance that someone could hopefully learn something useful from how the remix was put together in order to apply it to their own process.

If you have a suggestion as to how to make the lowly user interface more friendly toward this end I think you’ll find I’m more than happy to accommodate.
permalink   Doghouse Riley Sun, May 11, 2008 @ 6:22 PM
Wail, lessee. First, I much preferred yor ol initial missive to me as it was in plain english, to the point, and homey and familiar, ol pal. Yor second seems a bit stand-offish. Sorry ifn I’m misreadin that. As I said I am on my fourth martini. I did check them “here, here & here” thangs (I tell ya, I just about love ol Spinny near to death…ain’t he an actual, real, decent person? I mean, really) and what that looks like ta me is it’s like you want Julia Childs (or the equivalent) to be sharin their recipes. Is that about it? Cause that would mean I’d hafta just write borin things about my DAW and how I actually “record” with it and how when I download a pella I sorta “listen to it” until “somethin strikes me” at which point, usin the years and years of endless, mind-numbin-yet-life- affirmin-practise-and-real-world- experience-what-was-only-garnered- through-a-combination-of-wholly- frustratin-or-exhileratin-on-stage- or-in-studio-moments-which-are- proprietary-to-me-in-both-a- philisophical-sense-and-an- experiential-sense-as-well I “come up with somethin” that don’t make me feel ashamed or irritated. Is that what yor after? Cause ifn it is, I’m gonna hafta work on that. Not that I won’t. Or will I?
permalink   victor Sun, May 11, 2008 @ 7:27 PM
Quote: plain english
heh, I tend to write in the voice I speak. You?

Quote: a bit stand-offish. Sorry ifn I’m misreadin
nah, it’s just a tonal thing. ask around.

Quote: proprietary
The foundation of the site is that everybody wins by the artist giving away some rights. At least that’s what Salman was thinking about it when he put “Natchoongi” into the Commons.

Where the line is depends on the artist and the Creative Commons licenses are all about that flexibility. As I said, if you’re not getting the most of the hidi feature because of user interface problem then I’m eager to fix that - if you’re just plain uncomfortable with that degree of sharing in general that’s cool too.
permalink   Doghouse Riley Sun, May 11, 2008 @ 8:13 PM
Thanks, ol pal. I did thank about it an went back to the Natchoongi thang an tried to “open up” a bit on the HIDI thang. It is my first attempt at such an all but I hope it’s at least headed in the direction you hoped for. I’m workin on it. Honest.
permalink   victor Sun, May 11, 2008 @ 10:14 PM
cool, I’ll check it out - meanwhile something you did in a previous message in this thread busted the heck out of our feeds and I gotta go track that down first… rrrrg. (nothing you did btw, something definitely funky on our end here)
permalink   Doghouse Riley Thu, May 15, 2008 @ 9:18 PM
Wail, sorry ifn I hurt somethin. I shore didn’t mean to. But anyways as I’m only one short a gettin in the “What’s Hot Now” thang let me just implore anybody readin this bunch a drivel ta reccomend a truly surreal magnum opus, “Yor The Man, Natchoongi” ifn ya got the strength in yor index finger an all.
permalink   victor Thu, May 15, 2008 @ 10:17 PM
I’m on the road with extremely lousy and limited connection for the next few weeks.

permalink   duckett Thu, May 15, 2008 @ 11:57 PM
Again, an exchange such as this would have devolved beyond the point of my own personal tolerance on just about any other website that I might consider heavily participating in by now… the degree of mutual humor, tolerance and intelligence shown by all parties involved make this site continue to be a place that doesn’t snub or pander overmuch either way. (Such balance is truly rare, for those who randomly cruise the interwebs with a somewhat jaundiced eye…)
permalink   spinmeister Fri, May 16, 2008 @ 1:03 PM
it’s a special place here in this little corner of the series of tubes, isn’t it? I’m so very glad that I finally discovered it about a year ago.