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Acid planet "Remixes"

permalink   Sat, Dec 1, 2007 @ 4:04 PM
“Crazed for love”
Ok I just in an attempt to allow people who listen to my mixes to check this remix I did for rondobrothers, I did alot of work with it, its a simple minimal mix that I love the vocals I was able to use, Its a 95% loops mix, 90% source loops and 5% other loops, and 5% added samples from me, just simple drums, and snare rolls, I chooped up the vocals, twisted some other sounds, and merged a mix of pure gold. lol I just want to get some feedback, you know, Im alone mixing here, and honest teaching feedback is allways wanted from me. this is the link below

this link is to the orginal track, and other submited tracks.(its on the right hand side)

thanks and check it out drop a line here whatcha think.