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file not found

permalink   Mon, May 14, 2007 @ 11:43 AM
it’s telling me “file not found” when i try to download Remember the Name (Maclane remix)

someone else also ran into the same problem, so I know it’s not just me.
permalink   Mon, May 14, 2007 @ 4:16 PM
I had to move all 500 entries so it took a while, I think this may be ok now.

Uploaders who try to update (replace or otherwise edit) the entries may run into issues but then the contest has been closed for a year so I don’t think that’s a huge deal.

permalink   Tue, May 15, 2007 @ 12:31 PM
Creativity is all about building on the past. It’s likely that people are going to want all that stuff for a very long time - particularly if/when Fort Minor gains new fans by releasing more albums.

Some Linkin Park and Fort Minor fans are always remixing all the songs from those groups, whether there is a contest or not, whether official acapellas or instrumentals have been released or not, no matter how old it is.

I was thinking that perhaps the Internet Archive would help host the original Remember the Name source materials for posterity. (LOL)
permalink   Tue, May 15, 2007 @ 2:16 PM
we’re going to host the sources and the entries forever — all I’m saying is that if someone who uploaded an entry during the contest and now wants to make changes to that specific upload then they might get out of sync with what we actually download and stream.

We want people to remix every thing in the Commons (including Fort Minor) all the time.

Feel free to post the FM sources to the archive, it’s BY-NC.