Deep Roots Remix Event

Search Results

Viewing 12 - 20 of 20 matches total
... i had to end up submitting as a fully mixed track that sampled nothing...but i sampled the film and interview outtakes.
...of course but their messages, pitiful enough). luckily, i fished two of them out of my trash bin and added them to my welcome sende
...o this are links to messages in this fourm. if you were pointing to a message from an email or web page you will have to update your
...e, when waiting for submitting entries or racing against deadlines, but sometimes you upload this amazing track and wait for comment
links to licenses when you're submitting samples (or whatever) clicking on the license icon should take you to the full license text on c...
...i'm doing.. all the messages left on the revolution number (678-749-7458) will be released under a creative commons license. think o
... the competition by submitting your samples. at the end of that week period sample submissions close, those artists that have sub
need a way to specify multiple artists when submitting ... so i grabbed all the sample packs from the site and threw them into one direc...
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