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Viewing 72 - 84 of 911 matches total
... thank you for this journey into the mysterious realm beyond the horizon. [up][/up]
review of 'horizon' by 'sackjo22' i am always delighted to be part of your musical world, and going on this epic prog rock journey with y...
...mer wasn't funny :) journey while others went about their daily business. and now as political and climate madness sweeps the world
review of 'sackjo22_-_dreaming_oceans' by 'snowflake' a dynamic journey through sound dreams. [up][/up]
review of 'echolocation' by 'sackjo22' exquisite. you took me on a lovely, lovely journey. thank you for being part of this special remi...
review of 'a waking dream' by 'radioontheshelf' a joyous journey from start to finish with everything in its perfect space[up][/up]
review of 'ocean dreams (graceful urgency mix)' by 'sackjo22' epic sonic journey! cinematic and rich with texture, and dynamics. i apprec...
review of 'wicked dummys' by 'javolenus' enjoyable & evocative journey. [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'may your good karma ripen soon' by 'speck' a superb musical journey. top notch. [up][/up]
review of 'humanity' by 'snowflake' incredible emotional sonic journey. beautiful built from start to finish.
review of 'bodies in the street' by 'snowflake' so deeply powerful and a cathartic journey for my breaking heart today.
review of 'stop !' by 'sackjo22' you took me on an incredibly moving journey. thank you for including me in this beautiful expression. ...
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