Season of the Stars: ccM & MP

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Viewing 0 - 12 of 23 matches total
...more companies were established in competition to edisons and his disagreement over the various electrical systems would ultimately
...product lines, they established brunswick records in the 1910s and sold a controlling interest to warner brothers in the 1930s. [
...ll ray's 17/10 drum establish its own groove within the confines of the 4 bar progressions at 222bpm and without stretching the audi
...d elron lead guitar established the song's genre as way-crossover country pop-rock featuring a funky banjo breakdown. the tracks
...m guitar samples to establish tonality. added drum, bass and lead using samples from our library. digging the results, decides to
...r side and in fine establishments opened his wallet wide there was noone to stop him he did it with pride and the girl walked awa for purposes of establishing a baseline, i recorded my very first few minutes noodling with it. i couldn't resist mixing it
...emixes). he quickly established himself as a top-tier contributor. "this is the best piano i've heard on the site" -fireproof ba
...a remix outline was established. adding some tight funk drum and martijn's bass completed the rhythm track. martijn bass was sliced
gin-a (hey kid) string & choir mix dedicated to the establishment of national free speech day in taiwan. ,media,remix,bpm_090_095,non_com...
... but the british establishment are best termed not the ruling classes but the measuring classes- all they do is measure people- a
f**king 'dis custard silly little song about our often seemingly futile battle at absolutely with the rancid british establishment. br...
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