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 The Maid from Clichy-sous-Bois

uploaded: Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 10:52 AM
FeaturingJavolenus and a bit of Hugo
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You cannot beat a bit of folk music. It is after all where it all started!

Great bit of guitar from Javolenus and a bit of traditional warbling from me on the old adage, “a fool and his money are soon parted”

The Maid from Clichy-sous-Bois

They had photographed each other on the steps of Notre Dame
He had played at Quasimodo but as a perfect man
He couldn’t quite get into charachter so remained just a fan
And the girl said she knew him intimately

She was no Esmerelda but she really liked the men
Who had cash in the bank and were willing to spend
More than they should do and a bit more as well
She had made it her whole lifes vocation

And despite all the signals he still played the game
He bought her a locket from a jewellers in Marais
But she thought it a trinket and threw it away
Saying take me to diamonds and haute couture

Like a lamb to the slaughter he walked by her side
And in fine establishments opened his wallet wide
There was noone to stop him he did it with pride
And the girl walked away draped in glory

But at night as he lay in their bed fully spent
He thought it still worth it and would not relent
From offering her more he had no regrets
He was happy to do it for memories

But in later years when the girl had long gone
He would sing of her beauty and the love that was strong
There was plenty that was right and plenty that was wrong
But he would not change those days in Paris

" The Maid from Clichy-sous-Bois"
by Radioontheshelf

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