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...n effort to cite my sources, this song takes some inspiration from [url=]summer by c
merry christmas, you old humbug vocal sources were selected based on common notions associated with dickens’ “a christmas carol”: l...
...your name is on the sources, you've been heard a lot! there are three tracks, separated by two modified pieces from v01k1. as thi ccmixter sources: ant.survilla: antsurvila_-_wistfulness_3
..., sounds and sample sources i was using twenty years ago (it took some coaxing to get some of the software to work with win 11) and
...of it all [i]resources for working this dream include being with the ocean, and the iching, particularly hexagram 2 -- the yie
...of it all [i]resources for working this dream include being with the ocean, and the iching, particularly hexagram 2 — the yie
.../ in addition to sources available on ccmixter, the following two files were used: bongo dry.wav cc-by 4.0 2008 satoration h
...ciated :) cczero sources: 96471__imitatia-dei__pine-door-shut-light.wav 397314__designdean__double-door-lock.wav 423811__scaly p.p.p.s. the sources are now a little bit off in regards to the final version. nothing a talenter mixer cannot fix. ;) ,media
...rg/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/nuclear-test-ban-treaty-19630726 sound samples created in stable audio. ,medi
...ot listed in sample sources: disaster of music (davemerrick) - loose funky foot (sample pack) - deleted ,media,remix,bpm_140_145,no
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