Season of the Stars: ccM & MP

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Viewing 0 - 12 of 521 matches total
a tao in a manger there is a power within all of us that drives us onwards. for some it sits silently undisturbed whilst in others it is...
midnight ritual one of my classic noisy drone sound things. --- in the stillness of midnight, shadows breathe, gathered in the san...
ghosts in the machine (robbero remix) / for science! this is the robbero remix of "ghosts in the machine," which is hitting spotify this ...
ghosts in the machine (original, malredeszik mix) i am going to publish the acapellas for this, but i didn't realize one of the samples i...
i am dionysus this is the opening track from a recent theatre play that i composed music for. greek play called bakkhai. this greek trage...
the tao (the way) sackjo22: vocals/ wisdom (hexagram 20 viewing) jlbrock44: indirect expansions in all directions based on a loose i...
the maidens with the braided hair the incas believed it was a serious crime to cut their hair. they believed that from their hair they o...
utterly chaos 160 beeps of maddening fun! come see the fireworks on display in ... ... utterly chaos: the sample now with cruelty-...
pareidolia megamix a tale of a man losing his mind making music and working too much... "sleep deprivation 2024" the man at work, too...
mutata resurgo / start somewhere acapella two separate files, my a capellas to my secret mixter entry here:
mutata resurgo / start somewhere both pellas available under a 4.0 attribution license here: ...
h a r i - h a r i a n hello! we recorded this with my laptop in siargao island here in the philippines, right beside the mountains. you m...
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