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Viewing 0 - 12 of 13 matches total
review of 'this christmas eve' by 'radioontheshelf' as always a wonderful mix that confirms the great restorative powers of music[up][/up...
...been curious to the methods of your musical alchemy!
review of 'revolve' by 'algainst' very nice one. used it in a youtube video of a series about "modern torture methods" https://www.youtub...
...s on modern torture methods like gangstalking, zersetzung (stasi), electronic harassement and similar (and no, no conspiracy theori
review of 'electric guitar riff 1' by 'blake' how did you record this? what gear/methods did you use? you will probably get more tips if ...
...m all parts of, and methods of extracting sound from, a violin. makes me think i should delve into the realm of kontakt.
review of 'divorce is strong in this one' by 'ciggiburns' clean and restorative as gin and tonic poured evenly over ice. the perfect reme...
...h, is beautiful and restorative. thank you for including me in the sensitive and lovely remix.
review of 'episode xi - part i' by 'sackjo22' this episode of the juke joint is outstanding! here's to the restorative powers of a mighty...
...nly got by peaceful more hiroshima!" i hope wonderful production touches some hearts like it touched mine. pe
...naged to learn some methods for my mastering tracks so what i m saying is that i use a specific technic like for compression,eq and
...entle pick-me-up as restorative as jeeves' special hangover cure but far more chilled.
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