Season of the Stars: ccM & MP

Search Results

Viewing 0 - 12 of 448 matches total
...part of your somber offering. i'd love an instrumental. beautiful and heartbreaking.
review of 'stay' by 'anchor' dear rt… thankyou for this lovely and touching offering. leland (known here as oberon skye), must have ...
...super secret mixter offering and so glad you were able to get the connection! thanks for all you share with us and for being part of
... go of. love this offering...beautiful mix and singing - love all the references. thank you!
review of 'come inside' by 'bluemillenium' i am delighted to listen to you, i missed your guitar, very good piece that you offer us, than...
...rangement of mwic's offering. [up][/up]
review of 'family (featuring amina mara)' by 'sackjo22' i love how you worked with amina's voice and slowed her down. offers a lot of spa...
review of 'churchlike' by 'admiral bob' a pretty unified blend of some pretty disparate musical offerings. the magic of a secret mixter e...
review of 'loves labours' by 'anchor' plaintive beauty - always like chris' offerings. a warm emotive prayer-like piece. thanks.
review of 'h a r i - h a r i a n' by 'robert warrington' an honest and compelling take that doesn't offer any kind of false resolution. t...
...d the drift of your offering, for some reason it reminded me of the era of the "beat-generation". i found your comment about learnin
...scordant result and offer it to the listener as much more than a mere "fortunate accident." you are blazing a new trail that i re
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