Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 0 - 12 of 27 matches total
...t of remixing and creating new material based on widely divergent source samples. problem is, i see no point in reinventing the w name. "water is bad" was the name of the song. i looked though the a capellas but i cannot find it anywhere. the search function
lo-fi thread looks like it went the way of the 4 track tape ;-) too bad - there were some interesting thoughts and links in there.
...rate that through creating the right request, but it would be fun if the "80 remixes" were a link to display the 80 tracks. best, a cheap way to creating music. i am not saying that anybody that has used loops is lame at creating something beautiful cus then
...ring my songs and creating absolutely dope mixes & it got me curious about possibly releasing it for purchase in a public arena. i'
...ooves and excuse my bad english ! [u][b]edit: the remix files are now in the samples area ! ;-)[/b][/u] drumity
...t turned out really bad? hip hop/rap artist, in need of a killer beat? heavy metal artist, with need of smashing snares and fast k
...d file size limit" (bad name, but you get the idea i hope) that way we could upload longer tracks at low bitrate (like cdk's coll
audore :: podsafe music archive hey all, i've been working on creating a new podsafe music community site : [url=]aud...
...s's suggestion of creating an internet radio station, playing only our own material. our problem is one of critical mass - we'd li i have a really bad and slow modem connection only...
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