Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 720 - 732 of 941 matches total
...nd impro at times; playing each instrument live to the vox. going for the open mic night sound at my local jazz club. hope you li" influences my approach to many things in life. ,media,remix,how_i_did_it,bpm_100_105,trackback,in_video,nc_sampling_plus,audio
...ressive and pushing,playing with a voice i left as more as possible on its natural tune. well,as always a thanks to hektor thillet
...i was interested in playing with file formats to see if i could extract pellas from these old recording sessions. looks promising!
...haskel for his fine playing and to n9 and cb for setting a fine example! [u]one for me[/u] i was walking down the street when
soaring massive loop a soaring loop using the ni software synth called 'massive' that i've been playing with lately. sample,media,bpm_105...
...u focus on the band playing or the people rioting? would you pay more attention to the children playing or the rain falling on a car
...i already used just playing around. i guess pretty much anything i make is just playing around though. oh well enjoy :) (i didnt kno
words (playing games with you) chopped up some classic loveshadow two chord groove and seasoned it with a homemade marinade of rhodes and...
...urday night we were playing at a labour club and on the bill with us was an al jolson impersonator. he'd had a bad reaction to stag
24 tons of elephant a laid back, dance-y track to the vocals of kaer trouz, guitar playing of the.spirit.of.light, and thunderstorm of na...
slow dreamer i came across colin mutchler spoken words an heard this song in my head playing, while the words rolled over my speakers. fe...
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